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Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry chp 1-4

Quiz by Mary

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11 questions
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  • Q1
    Who is narrator of the story?
    Christopher John
    Little Man
  • Q2
    Where does the story take place?
    1930s New York
    1930s Alabama
    1930s Mississippi
    present day Mississippi
  • Q3
    What does TJ do in school that Stacey takes the blame for?
    steals a book
    Makes a cheat sheet
    Spills an inkwell
    forges doctor's note
  • Q4
    Where does L.T. Morrison find T.J. and Stacey fighting?
    The Crosstoads
    The Wallace Store
    The Train yard
    Outside the School
  • Q5
    According to Big Ma, when did her late Husband, Paul Edward, buy the land from the Grangers
    The 1960s
    After the Civil War
    He never bought land
    Before the Civil War
  • Q6
    Who tells Big Ma the TJ and Stacey were at the Wallace store?
    Mr. Morrison
    No one
  • Q7
    Who do Mama and Stacey go visit after Stacey confesses to visiting the Wallace Store?
    Kaleb Wallace
    Mr. Morrison
    One of the Berry's
  • Q8
    Why is Mr. Morrison staying at the house?
    to work the farm
    To protect the family from the burnings
    To Babysit
    None of these
  • Q9
    What does the bus driver do to the Logan Children to make them furious?
    runs over their dog
    Splashes them with mud
    makes them ride standing
    refuses to drive them
  • Q10
    How do the Children get back at the bus driver?
    They dig a hole
    let the air out of the tires
    refuse to ride in the bus
    cover the bus with mud
  • Q11
    What does Mama tell all the people she is visiting to do to the Wallace store?
    Burn it
    Shop at it
    Boycott it
    Throw eggs at it

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