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Romeo & Juliet Act II

Quiz by Thomas Guzzio

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  • Q1
    Read the following passage from the prologue: “Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie, / And young affection gapes to be his heir.” What figure of speech is this an example of?
  • Q2
    What are the “old desire” and the “young affection” that is being referenced in the lines quoted in the previous question?
    Juliet’s old desire for Paris and her new affection for Romeo.
    Romeo’s old desire for Rosaline and his new affection for Juliet.
    Romeo’s old desire to fight Capulets and his new affection for them.
  • Q3
    In the prologue, it says that Romeo and Juliet are “bewitched by the charm of ______”.
  • Q4
    When Benvolio and Mercutio are trying to find Romeo, Mercutio calls out inappropriate things about Rosaline, talking about. “…her fine foot, straight leg and quivering thigh, / And the demesnes that there adjacent lies.” Why does he do this?
    Mercutio also likes Rosaline, and wants to be with her.
    To get Romeo to come out by talking about things that might “arouse” him.
    He suspects Romeo has gone to Rosaline’s house to be with her.
  • Q5
    What does the way Mercutio talks about Rosaline tell you about how he sees love compared to Romeo?
    Romeo and Mercutio both see love as physical.
    Mercutio sees love as something more physical, while Romeo is more about having an emotional connection.
    Romeo and Mercutio both see love as an emotional thing.
  • Q6
    When they realize that they will probably not find Romeo, Benvolio says, “Go then, for ‘tis in vain./ To seek him here that means not to be found.” Based on these lines, what’s a good definition for the word “vain”?
    In someone’s blood.
    A waste of time and effort.
    Something worth trying.
  • Q7
    When Juliet appears at the window, Romeo says: “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!” What type of figurative language is Romeo using?
  • Q8
    When Romeo says: “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!”what is he saying about Juliet?
    Juliet is standing on the east side of the house.
    The light from Juliet’s room is really bright.
    He’s saying that Juliet is beautiful, and that “she’s hot.”
  • Q9
    Romeo also says, “The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,/ As daylight doth a lamp.” Explain what type of figurative language Romeo is using?
    Personification or simile
    Just a simile
    Simile or Metaphor
  • Q10
    When Romeo says “The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,/ As daylight doth a lamp” what is he saying about Juliet here?
    Juliet is intelligent and bright – not just beautiful.
    Juliet’s make up is done perfectly – which makes her stand out from among the other girls.
    Juliet’s skin is clear and pure – the way light from the sun is compared to artificial light from a lamp.
  • Q11
    Still in the balcony scene, Juliet says aloud, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet.” What does she mean by this?
    It doesn’t matter what Romeo’s last name is, he’s still the same person.
    It doesn’t matter what you call a rose, it still would smell good all the time.
    Names are important, so it matters that Romeo is a Montague.
  • Q12
    Romeo answers her: “My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,/ Because it is an enemy to thee;/ Had I it written, I would tear the word.” What does he mean?
    Romeo would rather kill himself than be with his enemy.
    Romeo hates his name because it stands between him and Juliet.
    Romeo would never change his name, even if it meant he could be with Juliet.
  • Q13
    We know that Juliet is not even fourteen years old yet, but she makes some very grown up statements in this scene. Which of the following is NOT an example of how Juliet shows maturity in this scene?
    When she reminds Romeo of how dangerous it is for him to be on the Capulet property.
    When she tells Romeo to swear by the moon.
    When she tells Romeo that they are moving too fast, and that this love is too sudden.
  • Q14
    What decision do Romeo and Juliet make by the end of scene ii?
    To tell their parents about their relationship.
    To get married in secret.
    To break up.
  • Q15
    Look at your answer to the previous question. How do Romeo and Juliet plan to follow through on their decision?
    Friar Lawrence will arrange a meeting between their parents, where Romeo and Juliet will tell them about their relationship.
    They will simply stop seeing and talking to each other. It will be as if they never met.
    Juliet is to tell her parents that she’s going to church for confession, but she will really be going there to get married.

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