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Romeo & Juliet Quiz

Quiz by Danelle Castle

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    Which families are feuding in Verona?
    The Parises and the Rosalines
    The Mercutios and the Escaluses
    The Capulets and the Montagues
    The Tybalts and the Benvolios
  • Q2
    Where do Romeo and Juliet first kiss?
    At the feast where they meet for the first time.
    In the Capulet family's orchard.
    In the Capulet family's crypt.
    At their secret wedding in Friar Lawrence's cell.
  • Q3
    Why does Romeo kill Tybalt?
    Because Tybalt killed Mercutio
    Because Tybalt killed Benvolio
    Because Tybalt loves Juliet
    Because Tybalt is a Capulet
  • Q4
    How does Juliet get out of marrying Paris?
    She drinks a potion that makes her appear dead.
    She tells her family that she has married Romeo.
    She convinces Romeo to kill Paris.
    She flees with Friar Lawrence to Mantua.
  • Q5
    Why does Romeo kill himself?
    He thinks it will keep Juliet from being punished.
    He mistakenly thinks Juliet is dead.
    He cannot bear the shame of killing Tybalt.
    He sees Juliet stab herself.
  • Q6
    How does the play present love?
    As a short-lived and shallow feeling.
    As an intense and overwhelming force.
    As an ultimately selfish act.
    As a silly, childish emotion.
  • Q7
    Which theme does the chorus introduce at the start of the play?
    The power of fate
    The benefits of violence
    The amorality of love
    The injustice of patriarchy
  • Q8
    Whom does the play ultimately suggest is responsible for Romeo's and Juliet's tragedy?
  • Q9
    Which quality does Romeo lack?
  • Q10
    How does Mercutio function as part of the play?
    He encourages Romeo to follow his dreams.
    He satirizes the ruling class in England.
    He mocks and deflates the idea of romantic love.
    He represents the reigning social order in England.
  • Q11
    Romeo's feelings for Rosaline illustrate which of Romeo's traits?
    His youthful passivity and apathy
    His thoughtful ambition and idealism
    His initial immaturity and romanticism
    His secret anxieties and fears
  • Q12
    Why does Friar Lawrence marry Romeo and Juliet?
    To end the fighting in Verona between the two families.
    Out of sincere belief in their love.
    To get revenge on Capulet for a past wrong.
    Because Romeo pays him.

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