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Safeguarding legislation

Quiz by Rebecca Harrison

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    This Act implemented the vetting and barring scheme to ensure that people considered unsuitable people to work with vulnerable people.
    The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
    Equality Act 2010
    Care Act 2014
    Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Q2
    This Act enables specific rights to be given to every person living in the UK.
    Care Act 2014
    The Human Rights Act 1998
    GDPR 2018
    Safeguarding Adults 2005
  • Q3
    This Act establishes the CQC as the regulator to provide inspection in health and social care services including primary care.
    Human Rights Act 1998
    Mental Capacity Act Code of practice 2014
    The Health and Social Care Act 2008
    Public interest Disclosure Act 1998
  • Q4
    This Act protects workers who disclose information about malpractice including abuse at their current workplace?
    Equality Act 2010
    Disclosure and Barring Scheme
    Public interest Disclosure Act 1998
    GDPR 2018
  • Q5
    This Act requires local authorities to make enquiries if an individual is being abused or neglected or is at risk of abuse or neglect
    Care Act 2014
    Health and Social Care Act 2018
    Safeguarding Adults 2004
    Children Act 2004
  • Q6
    This Act aims to protect and empower individuals who are unable to make choices and decisions for themselves.
    Working together to safeguard children 2006
    Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Depriviation of Liberty Safeguards
    Safeguarding adults 2005
    Mental Capacity Act code of practice 2014
  • Q7
    This Act provides the legal framework for whistleblowing
    Public Interest Disclosure Act
    Equality Act
    Mental Capacity Act
  • Q8
    This Act aims to give those with convictions the opportunity to start afresh.
    The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
    Care Act 2014
    Safeguarding Adults 2005
    Health and Social Care Act 2006
  • Q9
    This gives guidance to people who work with and care for individuals who can’t make decisions for themselves.
    Equality Act 2010
    Working together to safeguard children 2006
    Human Rights Act 1998
    Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice 2014
  • Q10
    This Act regulates the way in which personal data needs to be handled and therefore protects people’s data being placed in the wrong hands.
    Care Act 2014
    Human Rights Act 1998
    Safeguarding Adults 2014
  • Q11
    This Act established the No Secrets and Safe Hands guidance documents to set out how different agencies must work together to respond to abuse.
    Safeguarding Adults 2005
    Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
    Equality Act 2010
    Disclosure and Barring Scheme
  • Q12
    This law provides a national framework of 11 sets of good practice standards to ensure the implementation of high quality and consistent work in protecting vulnerable adults from abuse.
    Equality Act 2010
    Health and Social Care Act 2008
    Safeguarding Adults 2005
  • Q13
    This law sets out organisations and individuals ways to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with the Children Act.
    Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006
    Care Act 2014
    Equality Act 2010

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