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Safety Quiz 1

Quiz by Tevin Joslen

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23 questions
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  • Q1
    Why should you inform the teacher immediately after getting hurt?
    To prevent small cuts and scratches from getting worse
  • Q2
    What is the reason for students learning safe habits and staying away from other working students?
    For their own safety and the safety of others
  • Q3
    What might be a consequence of playing, clowning, or running in the shop?
    You or others could get hurt
  • Q4
    How does maintaining focus on your work help prevent injuries and mistakes?
    It helps you avoid accidents and errors
  • Q5
    Why is it dangerous to talk to or bother another student while they are working?
    It distracts them from their work and could lead to accidents
  • Q6
    Why should you remove jewelry, roll up sleeves, and tuck in loose clothing before working with machines?
    To prevent them from getting caught in the machine
  • Q7
    According to CAL/OSHA code 3383, what kind of clothing should be worn while working?
    Clothing approved for the work being performed
  • Q8
    Why is it important to bend your knees and use proper lifting techniques when picking up heavy items?
    To prevent back injuries
  • Q9
    What precaution should you take when handling tools with sharp edges or points?
    Hold sharp points down and cover sharp edges
  • Q10
    What should you do if you see another student not following a safety rule?
    Notify the instructor immediately
  • Q11
    Why is it important for chips to fly away from yourself and others while pounding or cutting?
    To prevent injuries to yourself and others
  • Q12
    What should you do if you're unsure about something in the shop?
    Ask the instructor
  • Q13
    What should you avoid doing in relation to shop equipment?
    Leaning on it
  • Q14
    What should you do before entering other areas of the theatre without permission?
    Inform the teacher and get permission
  • Q15
    What should you do if you notice a safety violation or danger in the shop?
    Notify the teacher immediately

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