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SAT INT / ADV DAY 3 (2차)

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    abundant (adj.)
    appearing as such but not necessarily so / ~같은, ~처럼 보이는
    in deep thoguht / 생각에 잠긴
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    present in great quantity / 무성한, 풍부한
  • Q2
    warrant (v.)
    to put in; to exercise effort / ~을 가하다
    to cause; to incentivize / ~을 초래하다; ~을 하게 하다
    to justify; to show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for / ~을 정당화하다
    to put at a disadvantage; to prevent the progress or accomplishment of / ~을 방해하다, ~을 저지하다
  • Q3
    scornful (adj.)
    expressing extreme contempt / 경멸하는, 모욕하는, 업신여기는
    difficult to catch or understand / 회피하는, 잡기 힘든
    related to beauty and the way things look / 미학의, 심미적인
    careless (a bad idea) / 생각이 짧은, 경솔한
  • Q4
    disdain (n.)
    cautiousness and watchfulness / 경계심
    display of disrespect; intense dislike / ~을 경멸하다
    (usually, not always showing arrogance) by acting as if someone is below your level / 생색내는 듯한 태도, 자기를 낮추는 (주로 오만한) 태도
    misunderstanding of something / 오해
  • Q5
    resentment (n.)
    achieving of harmony between two (usually seemingly contradictory) things or ideas; restoration of relations / (모순되는 것 처럼 보이는 것에서 이뤄지는) 일치, 조화; (관계의) 화해
    style of cooking associated with region/culture / 특정 지역/문화의 요리 스타일
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    resentment and jealousy towards another's success / 부러움, 부러움으로 생기는 증오
  • Q6
    composure (n.)
    steadiness of mind under stress / 침착, 평정
    having elaborately complex detail / 복잡함, 얽히고 설킴
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    position/perspective one holds regarding a subject / 자세; 입장
  • Q7
    defy (v.)
    give equal rights to; of women and minorities; free from slavery or servitude / ~을 해방시키다, ~을 자유롭게 하다
    to cease to consider; to cause or permit to leave / ~을 무시하다, ~을 묵살하다
    to become distinct; to tell apart / 구별되도록 하다, 분화하다; 구분하다
    to challenge or refuse to obey / ~가 ~하는 데 도전하게 하다
  • Q8
    intimidate (v.)
    to make timid or fearful / ~을 겁주다, ~을 협박하다
    to go over and cover rough terrain (usually to make a road) / (도로, 바닥 등) ~을 포장하다; (새로운 것으로) 덮어버리다
    to promote the growth of; to help develop or progress more / ~를 더 발전시키다; ~의 성장에 기여하다
    to encourage; to make easier or more likely to happen / ~를 장려하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
  • Q9
    heartening (adj.)
    cheerfully encouraging / 격려하는
    derived from experiment and observation rather than theory / 실제적인, 실행상의, 경험에 의한
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    shallow, concerned with outer looks; only on surface / 외모에 신경 쓰는, 겉모습만 신경쓰는, 깊지 않은
  • Q10
    incessant (adj.)
    uninterrupted, not ending / 그칠 새 없는, 끊임없는, 부단한, 멈추지 않는
    having absolute rule/power / 권위주의의, 독재주의의
    clear, not ambiguous / 명쾌한, 명백한, 분명한
    without basis or evidence / 근거없는
  • Q11
    pamper (v.)
    treat or speak of with contempt / ~에 대해 ~을 비웃다, ~에 대해 ~을 조롱하다
    to treat with excessive indulgence; to allow whatever someone wants / ~을 떠받들다, ~을 오냐오냐해주다
    to use or manipulate to one's advantage / ~을 활용하다
    to express strong approval of; to compliment and honor / ~을 ~에게 추천하다; ~를 칭송하다
  • Q12
    exemption (n.)
    something (like money) given as payment/reward / 보상
    achieving of harmony between two (usually seemingly contradictory) things or ideas; restoration of relations / (모순되는 것 처럼 보이는 것에서 이뤄지는) 일치, 조화; (관계의) 화해
    a schedule/list of things to take care of in a meeting / 회의에서 다루어야 할 내용들
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
  • Q13
    dissatisfied (adj.)
    resentful; having ill-will or hostility / 분노에 찬, 분개하는
    not satisfied / 불만스러운, 못마땅해하는
    narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; suggestive of the isolated life of an island; relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island / 뇌·췌장의 섬과 관련된
    not attractive; not persuasive or compelling / 매력없는, 호소력없는
  • Q14
    appreciative (adj.)
    causing awareness of your shortcomings / 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치욕적인, 굴욕적인
    only, just / 그저
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    showing a favorable opinion / 이해를 통해 긍정적으로 생각하는
  • Q15
    utter (adj.)
    difficult to perceive or notice / 교묘한, 눈에 잘 안띄는
    total, without exception, absolute / 완전한
    arousing intense emotion / 가슴에 사무치는
    being up to date on latest trends / 유행을 따르는

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