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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    projection (n.)
    quantity more than needed (too much) / 넘치는 것
    a difference (usually among things that should be consistent) / (주로 모순으로 보여지는) 차이
    predictions about the future; images that display to the front / 투영, 투사
    remains of something brokenn up or destroyed / 잔해
  • Q2
    sensitive (adj.)
    deserved, justified / 정당화된
    able to detect ~ / ~에 민감한, ~를 측정가능한
    causing awareness of your shortcomings / 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치욕적인, 굴욕적인
    not attractive; not persuasive or compelling / 매력없는, 호소력없는
  • Q3
    impulsive (adj.)
    without forethought; acting without thinking / 충동적인
    on purpose / 고의
    troubled emotionally and usually deeply; physically disturbed or set in motion; thrown from side to side / 흔들리고 있는, 동요하는
    causing awareness of your shortcomings / 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치욕적인, 굴욕적인
  • Q4
    functionality (n.)
    showing or experience dissastisfaction / 불만족
    lack of concern; no preference to one or the other / 무관심; 선호도가 없는
    remains of something brokenn up or destroyed / 잔해
    things that can be accomplished by something; state of having lots of utility / 기능; 기능의 많음
  • Q5
    employ (v.)
    to cease to consider; to cause or permit to leave / ~을 무시하다, ~을 묵살하다
    to use, to hire (or put) to work / ~를 쓰다, ~를 사용하다, ~를 고용하다
    to enter upon an activity or enterprise / ~하는 데 착수하다
    to show or display / ~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
  • Q6
    synthesize (v.)
    combine to form a more complex product / ~를 합성하다
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    to provide direction (especially when moving forward) / ~을 헤쳐 나가다
    to explain (the cause or origin of) / ~의 원인이나 유래를 설명하다
  • Q7
    falsify (v.)
    to eat grass from the ground / (자연에서, 땅에 있는) 풀을 뜯어 먹다
    combine to form a more complex product / ~를 합성하다
    to expose as false / ~가 틀렸음을 폭로/공개하다
    to change in order to make false or fake / ~을 위조하다, ~을 변조하다
  • Q8
    tamper (v.)
    to change or modify, usually for a negative result / ~을 조작하다
    to look past and fail to notice / ~을 보지 못하다; 놓치다
    to mock or humiliate / ~을 조롱하다, ~을 비웃다
    to oppose, argue against / 반대하다
  • Q9
    restrained (adj.)
    showing a favorable opinion / 이해를 통해 긍정적으로 생각하는
    in deep thoguht / 생각에 잠긴
    having ill-will or hostility / 분노에 찬, 분개하는
    not showy or obtrusive; suppressing urges / 억제된, 억눌린, 절제된
  • Q10
    exquisite (adj.)
    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인
    pushed off or removed from one's position by another / (자리에서) 밀려난
    delicately beautiful / 정교하게 아름다운
    confused / 당혹스러운, 혼란스러운
  • Q11
    progressive (adj.)
    unable to be both true at the same time / 모순된
    standing straight; having good morals / 올바른, 정직한
    in deep thoguht / 생각에 잠긴
    moving forward; favoring reform / 진행형; 진보적인
  • Q12
    refined (adj.)
    confused / 당혹스러운, 혼란스러운
    pure; well-made; made better / 정제된; 더 좋아진
    related to beauty and the way things look / 미학의, 심미적인
    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인
  • Q13
    misleading (adj.)
    designed to deceive or mislead / 잘못 안내하는, 잘못 인도하는
    only, just / 그저
    practical; related to practical rather than theoretical concerns / 실용적인
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable / 구식의, 더 이상 유효하지 않은
  • Q14
    misrepresent (v.)
    to represent falsely; to fake or falsify / ~을 ~라고 잘못 전하다; 거짓된 내용을 얘기하다
    to make certain / 반드시 ~하다, 꼭 ~하다
    to narrate; to give an account of; to tell a story about / ~를 이야기 해주다
    to discuss ~; to speak to ~; to make an attempt at solving ~ / ~에 대해 얘기하다; ~에게 연설하다; ~를 해결하려 하다
  • Q15
    self-defeating (adj.)
    causing confusion; unclear / 수수께끼 같은
    related to specific set of ideas/beliefs, especially political, religious, or social / 이념적인, 관념적인, 사상적인
    accessible; easy to talk to / 접근 가능한
    acting to result in own failure or demise / 자멸하는

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