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Quiz by Info8 Loker

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51 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is the main reason the makes nurses concerned about adolescents health status?
    B. Consider themselves as adult
    D. Transitional period to adulthood
    A. Take risky behaviors
    C. Have more health issues
  • Q2
    A patient fell in the bathroom and his left leg was fractured, in order to communicate information about the patient to the next shift. Which of the following documentation should be used by the nurse at the nurse at the end of the shift?
    C. Shift report
    B. Assignment record
    A. Kardex record
    D. Incident report
  • Q3
    A nurse is showing stress and anxiety due to long duty hours. Which of the following should the nurse manager do ?
    C. offer vacation
    A. give day off
    D. talk about coping
    B. give light tasks
  • Q4
    The nursing assistant with 20 years of experience approaches a recently graduated nurse who recently passed the licensing examination. The nursing assistant states “the only difference between you and me is the size of our pay checks”. Which of the following is the most appropriate response for the newly graduated nurse?
    A. assert a hierarchical position
    D. focus on the need to work together for quality client care
    B. emphasize the additional education received
    C. explain the legal difference in the scope of practice
  • Q5
    A 14- nurse manager assigns tasks according to clinical competencies of the nurses. Which of the following is the management function?
    D. Controlling
    A. Delegating
    B. Evaluating
    C. Planning
  • Q6
    The head nurse of a Coronary Care Unit delegated the staff a senior nurse in that unit What initial step must the head nurse implement before?
    A. Check the hospital policies for delegating tasks
    B. Explain the task to the senior nurse
    D. Take the signature of the senior nurse
    C. Negotiate with the senior nurse
  • Q7
    What must be known on legal points of delegation when process to a new nurse?
    C. Institution definition of the job description
    A. Evaluation of performance of delegate by clients
    B. Actual time it takes to complete the task by delegat
    D. Number of times that the delegate has previously task
  • Q8
    Which of the following patient is the most appropriate to delegate to a new nurse?
    A. Patient on a strict bed rest
    D. Patient who is hooked to mechanical ventilation
    C. Patient scheduled for an operation
    B. Patient for discharge teaching
  • Q9
    A head nurse of a coronary care unit delegated staff scheduling to a senior nurse in that unit. Which of the following steps must the head nurse implement before delegating tasks?
    D. Make sure hospital policies for delegating tasks
    C. Explain task to senior
    A. Negotiate with the senior
    B. Take signature of senior
  • Q10
    Which of the following is most appropriate to delegate assistance
    D. Repositioning a patient to side-lying position
    B. Changing postoperative dressing
    C. Initial interview on a newly admitted patient
    A. Insertion of an oral airway
  • Q11
    Which of the following patients the nurse should see first?
    D. Patient with complaint of chest pain
    A. Patient complaining of muscle aches and fever
    B. Patient scheduled for electrocardiography
    C. Patient newly diagnosed with hypertension
  • Q12
    A patient with carpal tunel syndrome ( CTS) is being prepare surgery. which of the following appropriate to delegate to a assistant?
    A. Assess wrist and hand of patient for discoloration
    B. Assist patient with self care activities such as bathing
    C. Check digits of the hand for painful tingling sensation
    D. Initiate application of a splint for immobilization during the
  • Q13
    Nurse manger float RN nurse from surgical ward to CCU which patient should be assigned to this nurse?
    C. Patient on I. V lasix have congestive heart failure
    A. Patient just transferred after coronary angiography
    B. Patient postoperative after open heart surgery
    D. Patient has ventricular tachycardia and connected to cardiac monitor
  • Q14
    You are the RN charge nurse on the medical surgical unit, and you are in charge of delegating assignments for the shift. Which of the following would be the most appropriate to delegate to the LPN/LVN?
    C. A 50 year old patient who is 3 days post op and requires a simple dressing change
    D. A 45 year old patient who is a newly diagnosed diabetic and requires discharge teaching
    A. A 25 year old patient who requires IV antibiotic therapy, and needs a PICC line dressing change before administering the antibiotic.
    B. A 72 year old patient who requires Lasix 20mg IV push
  • Q15
    Nurse manger pullout nurse from medical ward to CCU which PT should be assigned to this nurse
    D. Patient on lasix iv have acute left ventricular failure
    C. Patient need discharge education about coronary stenting
    A. patient just transferred from cardiac catheterization
    B. Patient just received with unstable angina on heparin infusion

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