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Science 1 Quiz

Quiz by Aaron Carter

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3 questions
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  • Q1

    You have 8g of water at 23°C. You start heating it up.  The temperature increases to 35°C.  How much energy was added?

    about 0.28 J

    about 400 J

    about 3.5°C

    about 12°C

  • Q2

    You have 24g of water at 22°C. You add 6,000 J of energy. How do you expect the temperature to change?

    the temperature will increase by about 4.8 x 109 J

    the temperature will increase by about 60°C

    not enough information

    the temperature will increase by about 3.2 x 106 J

  • Q3

    You add 400 J of energy to 12g of iron, and its temperature increases by 50°C.  You add 400 J of energy to 12g of aluminum, and its temperature increases by 24°C.  What can you say about aluminum's "specific heat capacity" compared to iron?

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