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  • Q1

    Which of the following statements does NOT describe the lithosphere?

    The lithosphere is made of the crust and the upper mantle

    The lithosphere is divided into slabs called plates.

    Plates of the lithosphere are gradually moving.

    The lithosphere is made of molten rocks.

  • Q2

    Which does NOT describe tectonic plates?

    Tectonic plates are slabs of the lithosphere.

    Tectonic plates are slabs of the lithosphere that are gradually moving.

    The central part of tectonic plates is the most active.

    The boundaries of tectonic plates are active.

  • Q3

    The earth’s lithosphere is divided into huge slabs of solid rock called tectonic plates. Which of the tectonic plates listed below is NOT a major tectonic plate?

    Antarctic Plate

    Eurasian Plate

    Caribbean Plate

    African Plate

  • Q4

    Which of the given pairs is INCORRECTLY matched?

    Pacific plate: Philippine Sea plate

    Eurasian plate: Nazca plate

    Antarctic plate: Cocos plate

    Somali plate: Caribbean plate

  • Q5

    How are P waves distinguished from S waves?

    P waves shake from side to side and go up and down

     P waves are slower and with higher frequency

    P waves can pass through solid.

    P waves arrive first followed by S waves

  • Q6

    What type of rock makes up most of the continental crust?





  • Q7

    How is the epicenter of an earthquake located?

    By using a seismograph that records seismic waves with high frequencies.

    By detecting the stronger ground shaking is stronger and more devastating destruction.

    By using the triangulation method.

    By identifying the arrival time of P waves.

  • Q8

    How do scientists determine the epicenter of an earthquake?

    They study the arrival of P and S waves.

    They assess the intensity of the earthquake.

     They record the magnitude of the earthquake.

    They determine the speed of seismic waves.

  • Q9

    Which explains the presence of volcanoes in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao?

    The Philippines is a hot spot.

    Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao are gradually moving, forming volcanoes.

    The plate where the Philippine sits is colliding with the surrounding plates.

    The volcanoes are forming because the Philippines is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

  • Q10

    Where are mountain belts most likely found?

    along the convergent continental plate boundaries

    along the convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaries

    along the convergent oceanic-continental plate boundaries

    along the divergent plate boundaries

  • Q11

    If you visit a place in the Pacific known to be in converging plates, which of these should you NOT expect to see?

    Rift valleys

    Volcanic Island

    Mountain ranges

    Active volcanoes 

  • Q12

    The Philippines is surrounded by trenches—the Philippine Trench, Manila Trench, Negros Trench, Sulu Trench, and the Cotabato Trench. What does this indicate in terms of the movement of the plates?

    The Philippines is surrounded by colliding continental crusts.

    The divergence of crusts created under thrusting which resulted in the formation of trenches

    The constant dipping of the lithosphere induces earthquakes.

    The convergence of the plates created subduction resulting in trench formation.

  • Q13

    Where are most of the active volcanoes found?

     along the divergent plate boundaries

    along the convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaries

    along the convergent oceanic-continental plate boundaries

    along the convergent continental plate boundaries

  • Q14

    Why do most earthquake epicenters exist along plate boundaries?

    I. blocks of rock drop-down at the divergence of plates

    II. asthenosphere moves due to convection current

    III. rocks slip past each other in the boundaries

    IV. subducting plates instantly slide

    I, III, IV only

    I, II, III, IV

    I and II only

    I only

  • Q15

    Which BEST describes the distribution of mountain ranges on the earth’s surface?

     Mountain ranges are mostly in the Himalayas.

    Mountain ranges are found along tectonic plates.

    The location of mountain ranges is the basis of dividing the lithosphere.

    Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are also found.


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