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  • Q1

    Which BEST describes the Earth’s lithosphere?

    It is the solid outer layer of the earth.
    It is the outer layer of the earth; thus, it is the coolest layer.
    It is the solid layer consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

    It is a rigid layer of earth made of solid material like rocks, but it is not moving.

  • Q2

    Why does subduction form when oceanic and continental crust collide?

    They have different densities.

    They have similar mass and chemical components. 

    Oceanic crust is made of basalt making it denser compared to the continental crust which is made of granite.
    The Continental crust is thicker and made mostly of felsic materials while the oceanic crust is thinner and made mostly of mafic materials.
  • Q3

    What can you depict about the earth’s lithosphere?

    Question Image
    The lithosphere is divided into huge slabs called tectonic plates.
    The tectonic plates are moving because of the asthenosphere beneath the lithosphere.

    All the tectonic plates, major and minor, in the lithosphere are moving towards each other.

    The tectonic plate may collide, tear apart, or slide past each other along the plate boundaries.
  • Q4

    Which are the major and minor lithospheric plates?

    Question Image

    Nazca Plates and Cocos plates are depicted as major lithospheric plates.

    Pacific and Eurasian plates are examples of major lithospheric plates.
    The bigger slabs like the Eurasian and Australian plates are major lithospheric plates.
    An Australian Plate has an area of more than 5,500,000 km2therefore it is a major lithospheric plate.
  • Q5

    How do scientists determine the epicenter of an earthquake?

    The scientists used the different speeds of the P wave and S wave.

    They determine the arrival of seismic waves in a specific location.

    They measure the time interval between primary waves, the fastest wave, and secondary waves.
    They used the time interval of P and S waves in three different seismic stations to determine the epicenter.
  • Q6

    Why is the P wave faster to reach the seismic station than the S wave?

    It can be transmitted only in solid rocks.

    The nature of its propagation and travel is longitudinal.
    The P wave is 60% faster than the S wave because it applies force inthe direction of propagation.
    The primary wave can pass through the different layers of the earth, and it has compression and rarefaction wave.
  • Q7

    What can we observe from the diagram below?

    Question Image

    It shows the propagation of seismic waves that are used in determining the epicenter of an earthquake. 

    The region where the radii of neighboring areas are met to determine the epicenter of an earthquake.
    The scientists identified the epicenter of the earthquake experienced by the three neighboring areas.
    The distance of the earthquake from seismic stations and the speed of the seismic waves are used in the triangulation method.
  • Q8

    Study the map below. How can we describe the distribution of volcanoes in the Philippines?

    Question Image
    The formation of volcanoes is distributed in all parts of the Philippines.
    The volcanoes are formed in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao because of active tectonic boundaries.
    There are more volcanoes formed in Mindanao than in Luzon, and the Visayas, and most are inactive.

    Mindanao has the greatest number of active volcanoes that have erupted in the past six hundred years.

  • Q9

    Which is BEST to prove that tectonic plates are formed from a single huge continent?

    The less-dense material rises as tectonic plates move away from each other.

    The divergence and rising of less dense material occur due to the convection current in the asthenosphere.

    Seafloor spreading refers to the rising of hot material and cools off when it reaches the ocean floor.
    It is a geologic process resulting from man-made activities that serve as evidence in the division of lithospheric plates.
  • Q10

    Which describes the seafloor spreading?

    The less-dense material rises as tectonic plates move away from each other.
    The divergence and rising of less dense material occur due to the convection current in the asthenosphere.
    Seafloor spreading refers to the rising of hot material and cools off when it reaches the ocean floor.

    It is a geologic process resulting from man-made activities that serve as evidence in the division of lithospheric plates.

  • Q11

    What is most likely to happen if oceanic crust and continental crusts converge?

    Question Image
    A volcano formed on the surface of the continental crust due to the melting of subducted part of the oceanic crust.

    Nothing will happen to both oceanic and continental crusts because the layers will melt in the asthenosphere.

    Both continental and oceanic crusts will move towards each other. This is called convergent boundary.
    The denser oceanic crust is subducted beneath the less dense continental crust.
  • Q12

    Where do earthquakes mostly occur?

    It occurs around the plate boundaries of tectonic plates.

    Deep earthquakes occur near the surface, about 0 to 70 km deep in the crust.

    The sudden slip between the plate boundaries causes an earthquake that shakes the surface of the ground.
    Deep earthquakes occur 300-700 km from the surface of the crust as the plate boundaries move towards each other.
  • Q13

    Plate boundaries are edges between lithospheric plates. One of its types is shown in the figure. How will you describe the boundary between the involved crustal plate?

    Question Image
    There is convergence of plates along the boundary.

    The boundary between the plates is known as subduction.

    Along the boundary, subduction occurs due to the differences of plate’s density.
    The plates along the boundary experiences compressive force. Plates collide to each other
  • Q14

    Earth is comprised of 7 major and 7 minor lithospheric plates as shown in the illustration. What type of plate boundary exists between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate?

    Question Image
    Between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plate, a convergent boundary exists.

    Subduction plate boundaries exist between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates

    The denser Philippine Plate is subducted under the lighter Eurasian Plate. A convergent boundary exists.
    A convergent boundary exists between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates. The two plates collide with each other.
  • Q15

    Study the map below. What type of boundary exist between African Plate and South American Plate?

    Question Image
    The Mid-Atlantic Ocean indicates it is a divergent boundary.
    The boundary between them is a form of divergent boundary.

    It is divergent because the arrows are in opposite direction

    The South American Plate is drifting away from African Plate.

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