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10 questions
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- Q1What is an example of a disease caused by Fungi?Common coldDiptheriaAthlete's footStrep Throat30s8.L.1.1
- Q2What do fungi use to reproduce?BranchesThey split apartHyphaeSpores30s8.L.1.1
- Q3Fungi can ONLY reproduce asexuallyFalseTrue30s
- Q4The best environment for fungi iscool and dryCool and dampWarm and dryWarm and moist30s8.L.1.1
- Q5What are some examples of food made by Fungi?MushroomsBreadCheeseAll of the above30s8.L.1.1
- Q6Which are examples of fungi?YeastAll of the aboveMushroomMold30s8.L.1.1
- Q7What type of asexual reproduction involves an offspring that grows off it's parent's body and eventually breaks off?BuddingPollinationMyceliumSpores30s8.L.1.1
- Q8How can humans benefit from fungi?Used in dish soapsThey kill bacteria in their yardthey are not useful to humans.Used in antibiotics30s8.L.1.1
- Q9Endoparasites live inside the bodyyesno30s8.L.1.1
- Q10This external parasite is known to cause Lyme Disease.FleasTicksMitesLice30s8.L.1.1