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scientific method

Quiz by Courtney Levy

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the scientific method?
    involves a series of steps that are used to investigate
    forming a hypothesis
  • Q2
    How many steps does the scientific method have?
    5 steps
    7 steps
    1 step
  • Q3
    Choose the answer that lists the scientific method in the correct order...
    1. question 2. hypothesis 3. observation 4. experiment 5. collect results 6. communicate results 7. conclusion
    1. Question 2. Observation 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Collect and Analyze Results 6. Conclusion
    1. Question 2. Observation 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Collect and Analyze Results 6. Conclusion 7. Communicate the Results
  • Q4
    Definition of a Hypothesis
    developing a question
    a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis
    Educated Guess
  • Q5
    Definition of a conclusion
    presenting the results of the project to an audience
    A statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis (did it work?)
    making an observation
  • Q6
    A materials list tell you...
    The tools you need to be able to perform the experiment
    a shopping list
    how to do the experiment
  • Q7
    The procedure list is...
    suggestions on how to conduct the experiment.
    a list of materials needed to complete the experiment.
    the step by step directions that you must follow to conduct the experiment.

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