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Scientific Research Strategies to Use: 24/1/21

Quiz by K W

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    When researching a topic, it's ok to copy from the internet.
    Sometimes: It depends on the information and there is no need to add citations.
    True: It's ok to copy from the internet, and claim it as our own.
    False: We should write information in our own words and add references.
    True: The author of the written information will understand, so it's alright to copy.
  • Q2
    Students are asked to add graphs that they found for their scientific research papers. They should include the references such as the website, book, author's name, and more.
    True: As long as its not more than one that's copied.
    True: When including a graph in the research paper, we must include references if it's not our own creation.
    False: It does not matter if graphs include references.
    Sometimes: Since this is the first time for some students to ever write a scientific research paper, it's ok.
  • Q3
    A scientific research team decides to write about the negative effects of not recycling paper. They are going to ask others about their opinions and include the results in the research paper by sharing a survey with questions.
    False: In a research paper, we would not add the opinions of others.
    False: Those who are doing the research paper, should only write their ideas.
    True: This is a true statement, because there are many ways to include research information in a paper. Asking others their opinions with surveys or interviews can help with adding opinions.
  • Q4
    Scientific research includes facts about real-world problems that exist today.
    This is a true statement.
    This is a false statement, because research papers do not include facts about real-world problems.
  • Q5
    A group of student's found some quotes to include in their research papers. They should add quotation marks (" ") to show what the person has said.
    It does not matter if the quotation marks are used. Just include the same words in the paper.
    This is a true statement, because including the quotation marks shows it's another person's words.

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