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second marking period exam review history 10

Quiz by Mr Van

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75 questions
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  • Q1
    Canada entered WW1 on August 4th, 1914 because they had to support Britain.
    What was the War Measures Act?
    What sparked WW1?
    When and why did Canada enter the first World War?
    Vimy Ridge 1917
  • Q2
    England, Russia, France\nTriple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
    Who were the "Enemy Aliens" and how were they treated?
    Which countries made up the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance?
    Market Economy
  • Q3
    The assassination of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand.
    Who were the Famous Five?
    What sparked WW1?
    Drought in the Prairies
    How did World War 1 end?
  • Q4
    Germany's war plan made by Alfred Von Schlieffen. The plan was to attack France through Belgium, cutting off the coastal parts to Britain's ships and arching down on Paris from the North. Thought France would focus on regaining Alsance&Lorraine and it would be easy to take them.\nThought Russian forces would take too long to defend France.
    The "Pogey"
    What was the spark of the Great Depression?
    What was the Schlieffen Plan?
  • Q5
    Belgium resisted Germany and defended their territory. France attacked along the border until Germany retreated. France attacked and defended faster than expected.
    Battle of Somme 1916
    What happened at the battle of Ypres 1915 and why is it significant?
    When and why did Canada enter the first World War?
    How did the Schlieffen Plan work out in reality?
  • Q6
    What happened at the battle of Ypres 1915 and why is it significant?
    What was the Schlieffen Plan?
    The first Canadian division arrived on April 15th, 1915. Soldiers had to face Chlorine gas. Canada suffered 6037 casualties but still protected the land from the enemy. John McCrae wrote Flander's fields after the battle.
    How did the Schlieffen Plan work out in reality?
    What sparked WW1?
  • Q7
    Lasted 3 months. Battle of "Attrition"; outlast instead of defeat. 24,049 Canadian casualties. Canada gained the reputation of being aggressive attackers. No all Canadian regiment; few Canadian officers.
    Battle of Somme 1916
    What was the Schlieffen Plan?
    Vimy Ridge 1917
  • Q8
    British High Command promoted Canadian soldier Arthur Currie to general and allowed him to make an all-Canadian regiment.
    Battle of Somme 1916
    What sparked WW1?
    Vimy Ridge 1917
  • Q9
    Battle of the mud. July to November 1917. The purpose was to break through the Front and destroy the German submarine bases on the coast of Belgium.
    How did the Schlieffen Plan work out in reality?
    Battle of Somme 1916
    Vimy Ridge 1917
  • Q10
    What were some important war technologies?
    What is an Armistice?
    tools from the war of 1812
    Rifles, machine guns, tanks, heavy artillery, airplanes, poison gas.
    war machines before the automobile
  • Q11
    What was the War Measures Act?
    What is the law that fined or jailed people for speaking or writing against the governement?
    Allowed Government to arrest, detain and deport persons, appropriate and dispose of property of its use, censor and suppress means of communication, and control harbors.
    A treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I
    a 1917 Act that made conscription compulsory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20 and 45, calling up the younger men first.
  • Q12
    Who were the "Enemy Aliens" and how were they treated?
    an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
    An Act that gives the federal government emergency powers during wartime, including the right to detain people without laying charges, seize control of any business, suspend civil liberties of enemy aliens.
    German, Ukrainian, and Austrian-Hungarian people forced to work on Internment camps. They had to carry ID, couldn't vote, couldn't publish anything, forced to register, sometimes deported.
    A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country that is often associated with greed.
  • Q13
    How did conscription divide the country?
    draft; requires citizens to serve in the military for a certain period of time
    Conscription is the mandatory enlistment of citizens for military service. All men from the ages 20-45 except Conscientious objectors Men working in services vital to war effort Men working in specialized occupations Sick or disabled
    Prime Minister Robert Borden wanted conscription as well as English-Canadians. French-Canadians were against it. This divided Canada during the war.
    a biased messaged that has been molded to influence or even control what you think
  • Q14
    How did World War 1 end?
    A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.
    Cannons and large guns used in warfare to destroy fortified positions and walls.
    Germany was defeated and surrendered.
    Women became teachers, government workers, and office or factory workers as well as went over seas to assist in war.
  • Q15
    What was the Treaty of Versailles?
    A policy in which a strong nation desires and seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
    a 1917 Act that made conscription compulsory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20 and 45, calling up the younger men first.
    Stripped Germany of almost all their armed forces, could not build their army, lost colonies and good deal of territory, map of Europe was redrawn, 6 countries created: Yugoslavia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Zechoslovakia.
    A cultural program designed to increase national unity through the creation of Canadian content

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