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Semester Exam 2020 - Part 1

Quiz by Donald Kress

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    What would be the response to Gracias?
    Quiere decir...
    M�s despacio.
    Por favor
    De nada
  • Q2
    Which question would you ask if the response was "Ere, o, jota, a"?
    �C�mo se escribe "roja"?
    �Cu�l es la fecha?
    �Puedo ir al ba�o?
    �Qu� hora es?
  • Q3
    How do you say "I have a question" in Spanish?
    Tengo que irme.
    Necesito usar el ba�o.
    No entiendo.
    Tengo una pregunta.
  • Q4
    How do you say "I don't understand." in Spanish?
    No understando.
    No lo necesito.
    No tengo que irme.
    No entiendo.
  • Q5
    How would you say "Raise your hand." in Spanish?
    Saca una hoja de papel.
    Entregue la tarea.
    Levanta la mano.
  • Q6
    What is the correct Spelling of "Goma" in Spanish?
    ge, o, eme, e
    hache, o, eme, e
    ge, o, eme, a
    jota, o, eme, a
  • Q7
    What is the correct spelling of "lapiz" in Spanish?
    ele, a, pe, i, zeta
    ele, e, pe, i ce
    elle, a, pe, i, zeta
    ele, a, pe e, ce
  • Q8
    What is the correct spelling of "hola" in Spanish?
    jota, o, ele, a
    che, o, elle, e
    hache, o, ele, a
    ge, o, ele, a
  • Q9
    What is the correct spelling of "Espa�a" in Spanish?
    E, ce, a, e�e, a
    Ge, ese, a, e�e,e
    E, ese, a, e�e, a
    E, ere, a, ene, a
  • Q10
    What is the correct spelling of "reloj" in Spanish?
    ere, e, ele, o, jota
    ere, e, elle, o, ge
    ere, e, ele, a, che
    ere, e, ele, o, hache
  • Q11
    How would you respond if someone said "Buenas noches" to you?
    Tengo una pregunta.
    Buenas noches
    Buenas tardes
    Buenos d�as
  • Q12
    How would you respond if someone said "Mucho gusto" to you?
    Me llamo (your name)
    Soy de Ohio.
    M�s o menos.
  • Q13
    How would you respond if someone said "�De d�nde eres?" to you?
    Me llamo (your name).
    Soy (your name).
    Tengo (age) a�os.
    Soy de (location).
  • Q14
    Which question was asked if the response was "Estoy mal."?
    �De d�nde eres?
    �Qu� hora es?
    �Cu�ntos a�os tienes?
    �C�mo est�s?
  • Q15
    Which question was asked if the response was "Soy Mario."?
    �C�mo est�s?
    �Cu�l es la fecha?
    �De d�nde eres?
    �Qui�n eres?

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