Short Quiz in English 6 Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements
Quiz by Quizalize Premium (Philippines)
Grade 6
Philippines Curriculum: Grades 1-10
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5 questions
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- Q1The story's time and place isplottonesettingvoice30sEN6RC-Ih-2.24.3
- Q2The main idea, or message, in a literary work is thetoneplotthemesetting30sEN6RC-Ih-2.24.3
- Q3Character versus self is an __________ conflictBOTHinternalexternalINTERNALNONE30sEN6RC-Ih-2.24.3
- Q4In this element of plot the author introduces the characters and setting...ExpositionClimaxResolutionRising ActionNONE30sEN6RC-Ih-2.24.3
- Q5In this element the plot starts to get good...ExpositionResolutionRising ActionClimax30sEN6RC-Ih-2.24.3