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Slack best practices!

Quiz by Farah Balghi

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    1. What is one benefit of utilizing appropriate channels and threads in Slack?

    d) Seamless integration with external tools

    a) Improved search functionality

    c) Customizable notification settings

    b) Enhanced team collaboration

  • Q2

    2. What is the purpose of creating well-structured workspaces in Slack?

    a) To customize the appearance of the Slack interface

    c) To set up integrations with other productivity tools

    d) To manage security and privacy settings

    b) To organize channels and workspaces based on teams or projects

  • Q3

    3. What is the advantage of leveraging threads in Slack?

    d) Automating tasks and workflows

    b) Enabling video conferencing and screen sharing

    a) Keeping discussions organized and accessible

    c) Providing version control and document management

  • Q4

    4. How can Slack be beneficial for remote and distributed teams? (i.e.: Remotasks/Scale teams)

    b) By establishing communication guidelines and etiquette

    a) By promoting inclusivity and engagement among team members

    d) By protecting sensitive information through security settings

    c) By utilizing Slack's emojis and reactions for positive reinforcement

  • Q5

    5. What is the importance of establishing clear communication guidelines on Slack?

    d) To organize channels and workspaces based on teams or projects

    a) To protect sensitive information from unauthorized access

    c) To maximize productivity through seamless tool integration

    b) To encourage collaboration and sharing of ideas

  • Q6

    6. What should be considered when setting up notification preferences in Slack?

    c) The importance and urgency of different channels

    a) The availability of video conferencing features

    d) The level of access granted to external users

    b) The frequency of email notifications


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