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Slaughterhouse-Five Chapters 1-4 Quiz

Quiz by Cynthia Loufik

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3 questions
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  • Q1

    Why did Kurt Vonnegut go to Dresden in 1967?

    He wanted to see the museums there

    He was a survivor of the firebombing in 1945,and he wanted to write about it

    He had wanted to study its architecture for a novel he was writing.

    His family lived there, and he was visiting

  • Q2

    What is the only thing to say about a massacre?

    “If the accident will.”

    “And so on.”

    “So it goes.”


  • Q3

    How do Tralfamadorians see time?

    in three dimensions

    all at once, like a stretch of the Rocky Mountains

    like beads on a string

    they can’t, because they only have one eye


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