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Smoking and its Effects on Health and Well-being

Quiz by Gemma Bailey-Dobson

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    What are the five main diseases caused by smoking?
    CHD, Cancer, Lung diseases, Stroke, Infertility
    CHD, Cancer, Lung diseases, Stroke, Insomnia
    Cirrhosis, Cancer, Lung diseases, Bronchitis, Infertility
    CHD, Cancer, Lung diseases, Bronchitis, Infertility
  • Q2
    What is Coronary Heart Disease? How is it caused by smoking?
    CHD is a condition caused by deposits of fat in the bronchial tubes.
    Conditions caused by an interruption or reduced flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the heart. A build up of fatty deposits is the primary contributor. It increases the likelihood of the blood clotting, leading to a heart attack.
    Deposits of fat in the respiratory tract.
    Every 15 cigarettes a cell mutation takes place. This causes fatty deposits to build up in the arteries.
  • Q3
    What is nicotine?
    Question Image
    An addictive chemical found in tobacco smoke that stimulates the Central Nervous System.
    An addictive chemical found in tobacco that stimulates the Central Nervous System.
    An addictive chemical found in tobacco that stimulates the digestive system.
    An addictive chemical found in tar that stimulates the Central Nervous System.
  • Q4
    When a person smokes a cigarette, how many harmful chemicals spread throughout the body?
    Question Image
    More than 7000
  • Q5
    How does smoking cause lung diseases such as pneumonia and emphysema?
    Question Image
    Condition that inflames the lining of the bronchial tubes.
    Conditions caused by an interruption or reduced flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the heart.
    Smoking causes damage to the respiratory tract making it more likely to suffer from infections, colds and flu. Pneumonia is a serious lung infection and can prove to be fatal. Emphysema is a chronic condition leading to breathing difficulties.
    Pneumonia and emphysema are not caused by smoking.
  • Q6
    How does smoking cause bronchitis? What is the difference between acute and chronic?
    Question Image
    A condition that inflames the Cilia. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral and bacterial infection, while chronic is caused by smoking.
    A condition that inflames the lining of the mouth making the lungs more susceptible to infection. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral and bacterial infection, while chronic is caused by smoking.
    A condition that inflames the trachea. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral and bacterial infection, while chronic is caused by smoking.
    A condition that inflames the lining of bronchial tubes. Cilia are damaged, over time they become less efficient at clearing debris and irritants, making the lungs more susceptible to infection. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral and bacterial infection, while chronic is caused by smoking.
  • Q7
    How does smoking cause infertility?
    Question Image
    Smoking and passive smoking causes DNA changes which can affect sperm count, cause erectile dysfunction, ovulation problems and issues with pregnancy.
    Smoking and passive smoking causes DNA changes which affect the cilia in the respiratory tract.
    Smoking and passive smoking causes fatty deposits to develop which can affect sperm count, cause erectile dysfunction, ovulation problems and issues with pregnancy.
    Smoking and passive smoking causes changes to how we breathe which can affect sperm count, cause erectile dysfunction, ovulation problems and issues with pregnancy.
  • Q8
    What is atherosclerosis?
    Question Image
    Hardening of the arteries due to a build up of fatty deposits.
    A build up of fatty deposits in the veins.
    A build up of fatty deposits in the lungs.
    A build up of fatty deposits in the heart.
  • Q9
    In the UK, how many people die each year due to emphysema?
    Question Image
    20, 000
    35, 000
    25, 000
    24, 000

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