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Social Action & Community Involvement

Quiz by Jody B.

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    What is an example of social action and community involvement?
    Volunteering at a local soup kitchen
    Skipping school
    Watching TV all day
    Ignoring your neighbors
  • Q2
    How can social action benefit a community?
    By causing conflict and division among community members
    By creating competition and rivalry within the community
    By isolating individuals from one another
    By bringing people together to work towards a common goal
  • Q3
    What is a way to promote social action and community involvement?
    Ignoring community events
    Spending all your time alone
    Refusing to help others in need
    Organizing a fundraiser for a local charity
  • Q4
    What is a way to support social action and community involvement in schools?
    Throwing garbage on the school grounds
    Wasting school resources
    Ignoring environmental issues
    Starting a school recycling program
  • Q5
    What is a way to promote social action and community involvement among young people?
    Joining a youth volunteer group
    Avoiding talking to other young people
    Spending all free time on social media
    Ignoring community events and activities
  • Q6
    Why is it important to participate in community service projects?
    To give back to the community and make a positive impact
    To cause harm to the community
    To be selfish and avoid helping others
    To ignore the needs of others
  • Q7
    What is one way students can promote inclusivity in their school community?
    Creating barriers between different groups
    Organizing cultural awareness events to celebrate diversity
    Promoting exclusivity and discrimination
    Ignoring classmates who are different

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