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Social awareness

Quiz by Crystal West

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is social awareness?
    Being aware of social media trends
    Understanding geography and maps
    Understanding and being considerate of the feelings and needs of others in society.
    Knowing the rules of a game
  • Q2
    Which of the following is a sign of social awareness?
    Listening carefully when someone shares their feelings.
    Ignoring people's problems
    Talking over someone during a conversation
    Only thinking about your own needs
  • Q3
    How can volunteering contribute to your social awareness?
    It exposes you to different perspectives and needs in your community.
    It helps you avoid responsibility
    It allows you to focus on your own problems
    It is only for people who want to help others
  • Q4
    What role does communication play in social awareness?
    It makes people dislike you
    It is only about talking loudly
    It allows us to ignore others
    It helps us express our understanding of others' feelings.
  • Q5
    What is one way to improve your social awareness?
    Ignore what people say to you
    Practice active listening by focusing completely on the speaker.
    Only listen when it's convenient for you
    Think about your response while they talk
  • Q6
    Why is it important to understand cultural differences in social awareness?
    Cultural differences are not important
    It allows you to judge others more easily
    It helps you ignore other people's beliefs
    It fosters respect and reduces misunderstandings between people.
  • Q7
    Why is empathy important in social awareness?
    It helps us memorize facts
    It helps us understand and relate to others' feelings.
    It makes us popular
    It allows us to win arguments
  • Q8
    What is one way to demonstrate social awareness in a group setting?
    Only talking to your close friends
    Encouraging everyone to share their ideas and feelings.
    Ignoring others' opinions
    Dominating the conversation
  • Q9
    How can social awareness help in resolving conflicts?
    By making you always right
    By encouraging arguments
    By allowing you to understand different perspectives and find common ground.
    By letting you ignore the problem
  • Q10
    What is one benefit of being socially aware in your community?
    It gives you an excuse to be rude
    It makes you more popular only at school
    It helps you build stronger relationships with others.
    It allows you to avoid interacting with people

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