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Social psychology

Quiz by Cheri Whitelock

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the term for the tendency to conform to a group's norms even when it goes against personal beliefs?
    Social ostracism
    Social conformity
    Counterattitudinal advocacy
  • Q2
    Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to attribute other people's behaviors to internal characteristics rather than external circumstances?
    Fundamental attribution error
    Confirmation bias
    Cognitive dissonance
    Self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Q3
    Which term refers to the tendency to favor members of one's own group over members of other groups?
    Confirmation bias
    Social facilitation
    Ingroup bias
  • Q4
    Which term refers to the adjustment of one's behavior or beliefs to match those of a majority group?
  • Q5
    What is the term for a generalization about a group of people in which certain traits or characteristics are attributed to all members of the group?
  • Q6
    What is the term for the tendency to rely on the judgments or opinions of other people when making decisions or forming beliefs?
    Social influence
    Group polarization
  • Q7
    What is the term for the psychological phenomenon where the presence of others enhances an individual's performance on a task?
    Social facilitation
    Social loafing
  • Q8
    Which of the following is an example of conformity in social psychology?
    A person shows empathy towards others in order to build social connections.
    A person agrees with a group's decision even though they personally disagree.
    A person avoids talking to strangers out of fear of social rejection.
    A person stands up for their own beliefs and opinions despite group pressure.
  • Q9
    Which of the following factors can influence attitude formation in social psychology?
    Genetic factors and personality traits.
    Personal experiences and social interactions.
    Educational background and occupation.
    Media influence and advertising.
  • Q10
    What is the bystander effect in social psychology?
    The tendency for individuals to become more empathetic towards others.
    The tendency for individuals to be less likely to help in an emergency situation when there are other people present.
    The tendency for individuals to become more socially aware in crowded places.
    The tendency for individuals to take charge and help in emergency situations.
  • Q11
    What is the concept of obedience in social psychology?
    The act of questioning and challenging authority figures.
    The act of avoiding any form of authority or leadership.
    The act of showing respect towards authority figures.
    The act of following orders or instructions from an authority figure.
  • Q12
    What is the concept of stereotyping in social psychology?
    The tendency to avoid making judgments or assumptions about others.
    The process of forming personal opinions about individuals solely based on their physical appearance.
    The tendency to treat everyone as unique individuals with no commonalities.
    The process of categorizing individuals into groups based on their perceived shared characteristics.
  • Q13
    What is the fundamental attribution error in social psychology?
    The tendency to dismiss others' behaviors as random or unpredictable.
    The tendency to overestimate others' abilities and achievements.
    The tendency to attribute others' behaviors to situational factors rather than considering internal factors.
    The tendency to attribute others' behaviors to internal factors rather than considering situational factors.

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