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Social Studies

Quiz by Rebecca Drummond

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    Why was the Monroe Doctrine important to the development of a growing nation?
    Monroe was concerned about other European nations.
    I gave the President power to move Native Americans to land west of the Mississippi.
    Monroe sent Andrew Jackson to stop the raids.
    It warned European nations against interfering in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Q2
    Why was the Indian Removal Act important in the development of a growing nation?
    It gave the President power to move the Native Americans to land west of the Mississippi.
    It helped develop an alphabet for the Cherokee language.
    It determined that all Native Americans who resisted moving would be put in prison.
    John Ross, the Cherokee leader, took his people's cases to the Supreme Court.
  • Q3
    Why was the Industrial Revolution important in the development of a growing nation?
    It was a change in the way goods were produced, from handmade goods to goods made by machines.
    It helped start a revolution.
    It made goods, like cloth, from raw materials.
    It created a way to use river water to power mills.
  • Q4
    Why was Eli Whitney important to the development of a growing nation?
    He developed a riverboat powered by a steam engine.
    He developed a horse-drawn mechanical reaper.
    He created the cotton gin that helped men clean ten times as much cotton.
    He developed a machine that carried fifteen times as much cotton as a man.

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