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Social Studies- U6 Government Test

Quiz by Ms. Caver

Grade 3
Social Studies
Georgia Standards of Excellence

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34 questions
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  • Q1
    1. Why is it important for Americans to share certain democratic beliefs?
    c. To ignore the needs of others
    d. To avoid making decisions
    b. To work together for the common good
    a. To have fun at parties
  • Q2
    2. What does it mean to promote the common good?
    a. To only help your friends.
    b. To make sure everyone is treated fairly and has what they need
    c. To keep everything to yourself.
    d. To focus only on winning.
  • Q3
    3. What does it mean to respect the rights of others?
    a. To always agree with everyone
    d. To only think about yourself
    c. To never speak up
    b. To listen and care about others' feelings
  • Q4
    4. What is one way citizens can participate in public life?
    d. Not talking to others
    b. Voting in elections
    c. Keeping to themselves
    a. Ignoring community events
  • Q5
    5. What is one responsibility of citizens in a democratic society?
    a. To make laws that only benefit themselves.
    c. To avoid participating in community events.
    d. To only think about themselves.
    b. To communicate with public officials about their needs and ideas.
  • Q6
    6. Why should citizens stay informed about their community?
    d. To stay out of trouble
    b. To know what is happening and make good choices
    c. To complain all the time
    a. To gossip about others
  • Q7
    7. What is one reason people should vote?
    b. To express their opinions and make changes
    a. To show they don't care
    c. To avoid responsibility
    d. To ignore important issues
  • Q8
    8. What does it mean to participate in civic life?
    c. Staying home all the time
    a. Only going to school
    b. Being involved in local issues and activities
    d. Not caring about your community
  • Q9
    9. What does voting in an election do?
    c. It gives us extra treats
    b. It lets us play games
    d. It means we don’t need to go to school
    a. It helps pick leaders and make decisions
  • Q10
    10. What’s a good example of following rules?
    a. Wearing a helmet while biking
    d. Not cleaning up after yourself
    c. Ignoring the speed limit
    b. Breaking things at school
  • Q11
    11. Why should we follow rules and laws?
    a. To be a good citizen and help everyone get along
    b. To get more time to play
    d. To stay home from school
    c. To avoid doing homework
  • Q12
    12. Why is it important to know about what’s happening in the world?
    a. So we can make smart choices and help our community
    c. To become famous
    b. To avoid doing chores
    d. To play more game
  • Q13
    13. Why should we volunteer or help out in our community?
    a. To make our community a better place and help people
    d. To get extra playtime
    c. To avoid going to school
    b. To get a new toy
  • Q14
    14. How can we make sure our ideas are heard?
    b. By staying quiet
    a. By sharing our thoughts in meetings and helping out
    d. By keeping to ourselves
    c. By avoiding discussions
  • Q15
    15. What’s a good way to follow rules and laws?
    d. Asking others to follow them for us
    a. Understanding why they’re important and following them
    b. Ignoring them if they seem boring
    c. Only following rules we like

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