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Sociology Quiz 1

Quiz by Sushat sangha

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following implies Secularism?

    The leader of state removed by the priests

    The leader of state appointed by priests

    The leader of state maintaining equal distance from all the religions & practicing scientific temper

    The leader of state practicing his religion in public domain

  • Q2

    Which of the following shows the correct sequence of events?

    Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial revolution, French revolution

    Renaissance, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution

    Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Scientific revolution

    Enlightenment, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, French revolution

  • Q3

    Who among the following is regarded as the 'Enlightenment intellectual' ?

    Leonardo Da vinci


    Galileo Galilei

    John Locke

  • Q4

    Which of the following implies Social contract?

    Organic connection between the government and the common people

    Organic connection between religion and the common people

    Organic connection between the government and religion

    Organic connection between Family and members

  • Q5

    Which of the following reflects the contribution of renaissance?

    Secularism & mercantilism

    Humanism & secularism

    Humanism and mercantilism

    Socialism and secularism

  • Q6

    Who among the following is regarded as a critique of Industrial Revolution?

    Mary Wollstonecraft

    Adam smith


    Karl Marx

  • Q7

    Who among the following is known for giving emphasis on gender equality?

    John Locke



    Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Q8

    Which of the following describes modernity?

    None of the above

    Modern technology, patriarchy, and limited rights 

    Individualism, secularism, democracy, and scientific temper

    religion, community sentiments,  joint family, and patriarchy

  • Q9

    Who among the following is regarded a counter-enlightenment scholar?

    Emile Durkheim

    All of the above

    Karl Marx

    Auguste Comte

  • Q10

    Which of the following is the contribution of the 18th century Industrial Revolution?

    Large scale production and standardised goods

    Large scale production and customised goods

    None of the above

    Small scale production and standardised goods


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