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Solar System & Rocks

Quiz by C Ota

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    The largest body in our solar system is
    the Sun
    the Moon
  • Q2
    What is at the center of our solar system?
    a medium planet with an atomsphere
    a star composed of hydrogen and helium
    a black hole that was once a star
    a star composed of carbon and nitrogen
  • Q3
    Which of these revolves around a planet?
    a comet
    a star
    a moon
    an asteroid
  • Q4
    Gravity is responsible for the
    rotation of a planet on its axis
    orbits of the planets around the Sun
    phases of the Moon
    tilt of Earth's axis
  • Q5
    Why are most fossils found in sedimentary rocks?
    Sedimentary rocks are not very old.
    Sedimentary rocks are found only at the surface of the ground.
    Organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.
    Organisms live only in areas with sedimentary rock.
  • Q6
    Shale is a sedimentary rock that can be metamorphosed into slate by
    increased pressure
    chemical weathering
  • Q7
    Which process is most responsible for the formation of the Grand Canyon?
    cracking of Earth's crust by earthquakes
    scouring by continental glaciers
    erosion by wind and water
    eruptions by explosive volcanoes
  • Q8
    How do plants most commonly break large rocks into smaller pieces?
    Seeds from plants fall onto rocks and release acidic compounds.
    Plant leaves insulate surrounding rocks from extreme temperatures.
    Stems of plants surround and squeeze rocks.
    Plant roots grow into cracks in rocks.
  • Q9
    The freezing and thawing action of water affects a rock by
    transforming the rock into igneous rock
    leaving behind sedimentary particles from evaporated solutions
    gradually breaking down the rock into smaller pieces
    chemically changing the rock
  • Q10
    Moving water was the most important factor in forming which of these?
    Mount St. Helens Volcano
    the Grand Canyon
    the Rocky Mountains
    San Andreas Fault

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