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SON 250 17-20

Quiz by Sierra Moore

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27 questions
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  • Q1

    What do perforating veins do?

    help gather blood from the calf muscles�

    provide for connections between the various superficial veins of the lower extremity�

    regulate body temperature

    Connect the deep veins with the superficial veins moving blood from the superficial to the deep system

  • Q2

    The most accurate method to determine that a vein at any given point is thrombus free is to:

    Obtain phasic and augmentable venous Doppler signals from the vein�

    Directly visualize an anechoic venous lumen�

    Completely compress the vein walls together�

    Display color completely filling a vein�

  • Q3

    Normal lower extremity venous Doppler signals respond to normal breathing patterns by:

    Increasing during inspiration�

    Becoming continuous, monophasic signals during expiration�

    Ceasing during inspiration�

    Ceasing during expiration�

  • Q4

    A pulsatile lower extremity venous Doppler signal can be expected with all of the following conditions except:�

    congestive heart failure�

    an iliac vein thrombosis

    a traumatic arteriovenous fistula��

    pulmonary hypertension�

  • Q5

    The three components of Virchow's triad are:

    lack of competent valves, venous stasis, inefficient calf muscle pump

    lack of competent valves, prolonged standing, family history�

    Venous stasis, vessel wall injury, and hypercoagulability�

    venous stasis, prior thrombus, hypercoagulability�

  • Q6

    All of the following are common symptoms associated with deep venous thrombosis except:�

    lower extremity swelling

    Calf tenderness and pain

    lower extremity discoloration�

    Chest pain�

  • Q7

    While examining a patient supine on an examination table with a slight tilt, you find it difficult to visualize the calf veins. What step can be done to visualize the vein?�

    turn up the air conditioning in the room�

    have the patient drink 16� ounces of water�

    Have the patient sit at the side of the bed and dangle their legs

    put the patient into a Trendelenburg position�

  • Q8

    A major storage area for blood in the lower extremity is:

    soleal sinus veins�

    perforating veins�


    gastrocnemius veins�

  • Q9

    What technique can be employed to improve adequate compression of the superficial femoral vein as it passes through the adductor canal?�

    patient should be asked to Valsalva

    Pressure should be applied along the posterior aspect of the leg�

    patient should be placed in reverse Trendelenburg position�

    compressions should be performed with a curved linear array transducer

  • Q10

    All of the following are associated with phlegmasia cerulea dolens except:�


    Arterial ischemia�

    Massive swelling�


  • Q11

    Two drugs commonly used to treat patients with deep venous thrombosis include:�

    warfarin and heparin�

    aspirin and warfarin�

    aspirin and clopidogrel�

    aspirin and heparin�

  • Q12

    Thrombi in the upper extremity are rarely caused by stasis because:�

    the changes in intrathoracic pressure limits stasis in the upper extremities

    the veins of the arm do not have a counterpart to soleal sinuses�

    the arms are more mobile so there is less chance for stagnation occurs

    the effects of hydrostatic pressure help counteract the tendency toward stasis

  • Q13

    The median cubital veins connect the:

    basilic and brachial veins

    cephalic and brachial veins�

    cephalic and basilic veins�

    basilic and deep brachial veins�

  • Q14

    Which vessel is most likely the site of thrombus with a PICC line insertion?

    internal jugular vein�

    brachial vein�

    basilic vein�

    median cubital vein

  • Q15

    If a patient takes a breath through pursed lips, what result will be evident in the subclavian vein?�

    the vein walls will collapse, confirming the lack of thrombus

    the impact of hydrostatic pressure on the vein will be alleviated�

    the venous Doppler signals will become more pulsatile�

    the vein will dilate making it easier to obtain a Doppler signal�


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