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Sounder Chapter 1

Quiz by Zane Webb

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    Why did the name Sounder fit the coon dog so well?
    it had a distinct loud bark that could be easily recognized
  • Q2
    Why did the boy's school term begin after harvest time?
    because the children had to help in the fields.
    that is when school starts
  • Q3
    Why did the boy attend school irregularly?
    he did not have the right clothing and could not walk far in the cold.
    school was to difficult
  • Q4
    Why didn't the mother allow her son to have some of the walnut kernels?
    she needed to sell the kernels to get money for the family
  • Q5
    How did Sounder help the family survive?
    sounder would help get food, by hunting
    sounder would ask for food
    sounder would go around and do chores
  • Q6
    Why did the boy feel lonely?
    he did not have any friends
    he did not have anyone to play with
    because his cabin was not near anyone else
  • Q7
    Why did the cooking smells at breakfast seem different one morning?
    they were going to have ham and sausage, they normally do not get this kind of food
    they have been eating oatmeal lately
    they were going to have bacon and eggs
  • Q8
    Why was the mother humming?
    she was nervous
    she was happy
    she was confused
    she was sad

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