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Southern and Eastern Asia History Assessment (9 wks exam)

Quiz by DeAndrea Jones

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    In early 20th century India, Mohandas Gandhi advocated the policy of satyagraha. Which of these statements BEST describes this policy?
    making agreements with the United States to resist possible Soviet occupation
    convincing his foes to make alliances with him in return for trade benefits
    supporting British rule in India
    passive resistance against colonial powers that ruled over India
  • Q2
    What is meant by the "partition" of India in 1947?
    the creation of British-controlled cities along the coast in an independent Indian republic
    the creation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Hindu-dominated Union of India
    the creation of Hindu and Muslim legislatures inside of India
    the establishment of African colonies controlled by an independent India
  • Q3
    The division between India and Pakistan in 1947 was mainly due to
    geographic issues
    Cold War alliances
    nuclear tensions
    religious issues
  • Q4
    India broke free from this country's rule in 1947
    Great Britain
  • Q5
    Who urged nonviolent protests to gain India's independence?
    Mao Zedong
    Nelson Mandela
    Mohandas Gandhi
    Ho Chi Minh
  • Q6
    The U.S. helped rebuild this country and its economy after WW2
  • Q7
    Nationalism is defined as
    loyalty to a group of people with whom one shares a common history, culture, and/or religion
    loyalty based on geographic location only
    a feeling of belonging to a group that is highly educated and wealthy
    a sense of belonging that is based on a written document like a constitution
  • Q8
    Which was one of the goals of the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League in India?
    working to modernize Indian farming
    ending the religious wars being fought all over India
    greater independence from British control
    trying to bring more industry to India
  • Q9
    What was involved in Mohandas Gandhi's plan of civil disobedience?
    He wanted violent demonstrations all over the country until the British left.
    The people should refuse to obey a law they felt was unfair, but do it with non-violence.
    Gandhi felt it was best to go along with British laws to avoid making the colonial authorities angry.
    He thought the best ways to change the laws was through passing legislation in the Indian National Congress.
  • Q10
    What was the role of the Japanese emperor in the new government after WW2?
    The office of emperor was eliminated.
    He served in the parliament as the presiding officer.
    He was a powerful political figure.
    His role was mainly ceremonial.
  • Q11
    Fill in the following analogy. For 2 extra points write down the relationship between the two on a separate sheet of paper with your name on it. James Madison & Others to the United States as Douglas MacArthur is to _________________.
  • Q12
    The Salt March was an example of both civil disobedience and _________________.
    passive resistance
    civil obedience

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