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27 questions
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- Q1what is flag in Spanishel banderauna banderaun banderala bandera30s
- Q2what is book in Spanishel librola plumala librolos liobr30s
- Q3what is notebook in Spanishel boligrafoel cuadernoel boliel marcador30s
- Q4what is pen in Spanishel bandera, la pluma, el boliel berlin, el cuaderno, la fechael boli, el boligrafo, la plumael boli, la pluma , la bandera30s
- Q5what is marker i Spanishel marcadorla marcadorel,marccadorel tiza30s
- Q6what is whiteboard,chalkboard in Spanishel pizzarala pizzarala pizarrael pizarra30s
- Q7what is chalk in Spanishuno tizala tizael tizalal tiza30s
- Q8what is whiteboard eraser in Spanishel borradorla boradorel boradorla borrador30s
- Q9what is map in Spanishla tizala mapael mapael tiza30s
- Q10what is painting in Spanishla marcadorel cuadrola pupitrela cuadro30s
- Q11what is students desk in Spanishla puppitreel pupitrela pupitreel puppitre30s
- Q12what is chair in Spanishel silael sillala silala silla30s
- Q13What is bookcase in Spanishel estante de librola estate de libroel estante de librosla estante de libros30s
- Q14What is The Classroom in Spanishla classeel claseel classela clase30s
- Q15What is the teachers desk in spanishla escriotrioel teache de deskeel escritorioel escritoro30s