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  • Q1
    1. Why does the school board rename Merryweather High’s mascot from the Trojans to the Blue Devils? Explain this allusion that Anderson makes and Melinda notes.
    c. The Trojans allude to the Trojan horse from Greek mythology, and the school board doesn’t want students to use as a model for appropriate behavior since it connotes deceit.
    d. The Trojans allude to the Trojan War, which was barbaric, and the school board doesn’t want the students to act or behave as such.
    b. The Trojans allude to Trojan, a video game from the 1980s, and the school board doesn’t want students to become addicted to electronic devices.
    a. The Trojans allude to Trojan condoms, and the school board doesn’t want students to think about sex.
  • Q2
    2. What figurative language device does Anderson use to characterize Melinda’s difficulty in speaking in these quotes: “Words climb up my throat” and “My throat burns” (5)?
    a. metaphor
    b. personification
    c. simile
    d. understatement
  • Q3
    3. What is the irony of the party that Melinda attended over the summer?
    c. Although the party was supposed to be boring, it was more fun than Melinda thought it would be.
    a. Although the party was supposed to be fun, it was the best day of Melinda’s summer.
    b. Although the party was supposed to be fun, it was the worst day in Melinda’s life.
    d. Although the party was supposed to be boring, it was much more boring for Melinda than others.
  • Q4
    4. What is one of (if not the) most important theme of the novel?
    a. Achieving popularity in high school will make one happy and successful.
    b. High school is only seven hours a day, solely academic, and has little effect on a teen’s life.
    d. Open, direct communication is key to making steps to resolving one’s problems.
    c. Not talking about or addressing one’s problems will make them go away in time.
  • Q5
    5. What does Mr. Freeman’s assigned art project symbolize? What does he want the students to do?
    d. Through the art project, he wants his students to think critically and reflect on their own artistic growth.
    a. Through the art project, he wants his students to create something that will simply let them pass the class.
    b. Through the art project, he wants his students to take something from the past and recreate it for today.
    c. Through the art project, he wants his students to think about something he likes and create that idea.
  • Q6
    6. What is the central conflict of the novel, and is it mostly external conflict or internal conflict?
    a. Melinda vs. her middle school friends, which is external, because they betray and abandon her.
    d. Melinda vs. self, which is internal, because Melinda has to forget what happened in the summer.
    c. Melinda vs. self, which is internal, because Melinda has to address what happened in the summer.
    b. Melinda vs. her parents, which is external, because Melinda is in opposition with them all the time.
  • Q7
    7. What can Melinda’s tree project later symbolize?
    a. Melinda’s tree project later can symbolize her connection with nature and the world around her.
    b. Melinda’s tree project later can symbolize her environmentalism and self-sacrifice to the world and others.
    c. Melinda’s tree project later can symbolize her growth, which is imperfect but matures despite obstacles.
    d. Melinda’s tree project later can symbolize her nurturing that she has provided herself and others.
  • Q8
    8. Analyze why David Petrakis becomes a hero to Melinda.
    a. David becomes a hero because he speaks up against Mr. Neck and his ignorant class debate.
    b. David becomes a hero because he befriends Melinda when no one else does.
    c. David becomes a hero because he is a prodigy and is more mature than he seems.
    d. David becomes a hero because he speaks for Melinda and becomes her voice.
  • Q9
    9. What is ironic about how Melinda and her family celebrate Thanksgiving?
    d. They don’t really know the real meaning of Thanksgiving because they spend it fighting each other.
    c. They don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving because Melinda’s mom is busy and her dad ruins dinner.
    a. They celebrate or give thanks for everything they have but neglect to give thanks to their past.
    b. They celebrate the time together as a family but don’t appreciate or are thankful for their blessings.
  • Q10
    10. What can the setting of Melinda’s school closet symbolize to her for most of the school year?
    c. It can symbolize Melinda’s fear of inner, dark locations.
    b. It can symbolize Melinda’s desire to return to her mother’s womb.
    d. It can symbolize Melinda’s retreat from others and her problems.
    a. It can symbolize Melinda’s attraction towards all things dark, macabre, and sinister.
  • Q11
    11. Explain what Melinda eventually realizes about her school closet later in the school year.
    d. Melinda realizes that staying in the closet will not solve her problems and mature, so she leaves it.
    b. Melinda realizes that it will protect her from others, so it’s best to stay in it as much as possible.
    c. Melinda realizes that staying in the closet will allow her to grow by becoming a better artist.
    a. Melinda realizes that it is irrational for her to be afraid of a closet since it is inanimate and not a person.
  • Q12
    12. What setting does Anderson use to showcase Melinda’s development and change over time?
    b. an ethnic calendar year
    c. a religious calendar year
    d. a school year
    a. a calendar year
  • Q13
    13. What point of view does Anderson use in Speak? Why?
    d. Anderson uses third person omniscient point of view, which allows insight into many characters’ feelings.
    a. Anderson uses first person point of view, which provides insight into the narrator of her story: Melinda.
    b. Anderson uses third person limited point of view, which a narrator talks about Melinda’s feelings.
    c. Anderson uses third person objective point of view, which we infer indirectly how Melinda is feeling.
  • Q14
    14. Explain why it is appropriate or fitting that Melinda would want to read Dracula on Halloween.
    a. Melinda is like the character Dracula because she is a monster who causes intentional harm to others.
    d. Melinda is like one of Dracula’s victims because she is bitten and becomes a creature of the night.
    c. Melinda is like one of Dracula’s victims because people figuratively suck the life out of her.
    b. Melinda is like the character Dracula, figuratively sucking the lives out of others.
  • Q15
    15. How do Melinda’s scabby lips indirectly characterize her? What do we learn about her personality from this part of her appearance/looks?
    b. This physical scar conveys the emotional ugliness and terrible personality Melinda hides within.
    c. This physical scar contrasts ironically to how healed and wholesome Melinda feels deep down.
    a. This physical scar conveys the emotional scar or trauma she continues to live with from the party.
    d. This physical scar contrasts ironically to how Melinda feels about herself and her life.

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