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STAAR Biology High School 2018 - Past Paper

Quiz by TEKS Biology High School

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  • Q1
    The results shown in the picture were obtained using a technique known as gel electrophoresis. This technique separates mixtures of DNA. In the picture nine different samples of DNA are compared. Gel electrophoresis can be used to -
    Question Image
    determine the differences in ages of a set of people
    identify how closely two individuals are related
    identify different blood types
    B.6.H: Genomes Of Organisms
  • Q2
    The diagram illustrates the activity of vesicles during a cellular process. Which statement best explains the function of the vesicles?
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    Transporting packaged molecules from the Golgi apparatus to be released out of the cell
    Extracting portions of the Golgi apparatus to be regenerated for growth within the cell
    Exchanging genetic information between the Golgi apparatuses of separate cells
    Delivering packaged materials to the Golgi apparatus for protein synthesis
    B.4.B: Cellular Processes
  • Q3
    The graphs show the reaction rate for an enzyme across a range of temperatures and pH. Based on these data, this enzyme functions best at what temperature and pH?
    Question Image
    Temperature of 37°C and a pH of 6
    Temperature of 27°C and a pH of 4
    Temperature of 50°C and a pH of 10
    Temperature of 40°C and a pH of 8
    B.9.C: Enzymes
  • Q4
    The Indian leaf butterfly has traits that allow it to resemble a leaf. The bright colors of the monarch butterfly indicate that the butterfly tastes bad and can be poisonous. How does the appearance of these butterflies help them to survive?
    Both butterflies rely on camouflage to avoid predation.
    Both butterflies cooperate with one another to avoid predation.
    The Indian leaf butterfly is able to avoid predators while the monarch butterfly warns predators away.
    The Indian leaf butterfly frightens predators away while the monarch butterfly poisons predators before they can eat it.
    B.12.B: Variation & Adaptation
  • Q5
    The female reproductive and endocrine systems work interactively for which main purpose?
    To maintain homeostasis by removing waste products from the body
    To release neurotransmitters during times of stress
    To control hormone levels to prepare the body for pregnancy
    To exchange gases to support cellular aerobic respiration
    B.10.A: Animal Systems
  • Q6
    Scientists can determine relatedness among organisms by comparing partial amino acid sequences. The table shows four partial amino acid sequences from four organisms. Which organism is the LEAST related to the other three organisms?
    Question Image
    Organism 1
    Organism 3
    Organism 2
    Organism 4
    B.7.A: Common Ancestry
  • Q7
    In the 1880s, Louis Pasteur developed a method of weakening viruses. The weakened viruses could be injected into healthy individuals. How is this method effective in fighting viral diseases?
    The weakened viruses attach to unaffected viruses in the host and interrupt the viral reproductive cycle.
    The rate of genetic mutation in the host is decreased due to the introduction of weakened viruses.
    The immune system develops antibodies in response to the weakened viruses.
    B.4.C: Viruses
  • Q8
    In humans blood type is determined by the A, B, and O alleles. The A and B alleles are codominant to each other and dominant over the O allele. An individual with the AO genotype and an individual with the BO genotype can produce offspring with which of the following phenotypes?
    A, B, AB, or O
    A or B only
    O only
    A, B, or O only
    B.6.F: Genetic Combinations
  • Q9
    Which of these best demonstrates mutualism between certain types of bacteria and humans?
    Bacteria in improperly prepared food is consumed by humans, causing food poisoning.
    Bacteria become resistant to antibacterial medication that humans use for treatment.
    Intestinal bacteria obtain nutrients from the gut and produce vitamin K used by humans.
    Invasive bacteria at an area of injury produce toxins that damage healthy tissues of the human body.
    B.12.A: Biological Relationships
  • Q10
    What is the role of mRNA in expressing specialized structures?
    Providing information to form proteins
    Creating bonds to form biomolecules
    Making energy available for cellular activities
    B.5.C: Cell Differentiation
  • Q11
    A student used a microscope to study four members of the phylum Ciliophora. Members of this phylum move when propelled by hundreds of tiny cilia. Although these organisms belong to the same phylum, they are classified as different -
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    B.8.B: Hierarchical Classification
  • Q12
    A mutation in which types of cells would only affect the organism and not future generations?
    Sperm cell and egg cell
    Nerve cell and brain cell
    Sperm cell and lung cell
    Egg cell and liver cell
    B.6.E: Changes In DNA
  • Q13
    In the mid-1980s an aggressive strain of algae known as Caulerpa was accidentally introduced into the Mediterranean Sea when a seaside aquarium cleaned out its tanks. The algae contains a toxin that prevents native herbivores from consuming it. Caulerpa quickly spread over the sea floor, crowding out many species including sponges, corals, sea fans, and lobsters. Which statement explains the most likely impact Caulerpa has had on the biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea?
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    B.12.F: Environmental Change
  • Q14
    A sequence of a DNA template strand is shown. Which of these is the correct amino acid chain produced from the DNA template strand?
    Question Image
    Tryptophan - Phenylalanine - Leucine - Glycine - Asparagine - Phenylalanine
    Serine - Leucine - Proline - Asparagine - Lysine - Arginine
    Arginine - Leucine - Proline - Asparagine - Lysine - Arginine
    Tryptophan - Phenylalanine - Leucine - Glycine - Asparagine - Serine
    B.6.C: Transcription & Translation
  • Q15
    Plant roots have extensions called root hairs. These root hairs are important in the homeostasis of the plant. Which statement best explains the importance of the root hairs to the stems and leaves of the plant?
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    Root hairs convert minerals into glucose for immediate use by cells.
    Root hairs prevent water loss in leaves through transpiration and gas exchange.
    Root hairs decrease the need for osmosis and diffusion in vascular tissue.
    Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots for nutrient and water absorption.
    B.10.B: Plant Systems

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