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  • Q1
    Which statement about education does this article best support?
    Schools should give students time off.
    Smaller class sizes are better for instruction.
    Schools should adapt to local conditions.
    Students prefer attending classes with friends.
    6.10.D: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q2
    The organization of paragraphs 2 through 4 contributes to the author’s main idea by —
    highlighting the effects school boats have had on people
    describing school boats from their flat bottoms to their waterproof roofs
    explaining how school boats came to be
    comparing school boats with other types of boats
    6.10.C: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q3
    Read these sentences from paragraph 7. This quotation shows that —
    Question Image
    Rezwan’s efforts have improved educational conditions for future generations
    Farida thinks that there are enough facilities in her village to serve all the children
    Farida’s own difficulties in attending school cause her to be doubtful about her daughter’s education
    Rezwan believes that his school boats will create many doctors and engineers
    6.10.D: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q4
    As used in paragraph 2, what does the word periodic mean?
    Regularly occurring
    Seldom repeated
    6.2.B: Reading - Vocabulary Development
  • Q5
    Which sentence from the article best supports the claim that Rezwan’s boats have successfully addressed a problem in Bangladesh?
    Each boat was built to accommodate between 30 and 35 students.
    In all, these boats help educate close to 90,000 families in Bangladesh.
    The purpose of the organization is to help the people of Bangladesh receive an education and also to bring technology and an improved quality of life to poor people in remote areas of the country.
    Students study using solar lamps that are charged during the day at stations near the river.
    6.10.B: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q6
    The reader can conclude that Rezwan believes that —
    choosing a career is a difficult decision
    educating children is easier than educating adults
    floating schools cannot compete with traditional schools
    developing technology skills is a necessity in today’s world
    6.10.D: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q7
    The message conveyed by the photographs is that —
    Question Image
    the school boats float down the river to pick up students
    students are engaged in learning on school boats
    the school boats can be used in both sunny and rainy weather
    each school boat needs many workers to manage it
    6.13.A: Reading - Media Literacy
  • Q8
    From Chloe’s description of the fourth-grade students in paragraph 8, the reader can tell that Chloe —
    regrets becoming a school mentor
    is jealous of Maneya’s mentoring assignment
    is unhappy with Maneya’s approach to mentoring
    realizes that mentoring requires long hours
    6.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q9
    What is one message the author conveys in the story?
    You must take risks in order to succeed.
    People who prepare are the most successful.
    Treat others as you want to be treated.
    It is best not to judge situations too early.
    6.3.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Theme and Genre
  • Q10
    In paragraph 13, the word relented means —
    entertained an audience
    created a spectacle
    worked hard
    gave in
    6.2.B: Reading - Vocabulary Development
  • Q11
    Paragraphs 6 and 7 contribute to the rising action of the story by showing that Chloe —
    is unfamiliar with the concepts being taught in first grade
    has the wrong impression about first grade
    no longer wants to participate in the mentoring program
    does not like being told what to do
    6.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q12
    The author’s choice of first-person narrator helps the reader —
    understand how the mentoring experience has had an impact on Chloe
    learn how the first graders feel about Chloe
    realize that the other mentors are not as serious about the project as Chloe is
    comprehend how Chloe’s classmates view her
    6.6.C: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q13
    What can the reader conclude about Chloe’s and Maneya’s mentoring experiences?
    Both mentors need help to be successful in their assignments.
    Both mentoring assignments end in a positive way.
    Both mentoring assignments present unique challenges.
    Both mentors fail to learn from their assignments.
    6.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q14
    In paragraphs 4 and 5, what does Chloe’s conversation with Maneya reveal about Chloe?
    She does not enjoy attending classes at her middle school.
    She has experience working with young children.
    She believes that she will not have to work hard in the first-grade classroom.
    She dislikes fourth-grade students.
    6.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q15
    Which sentence expresses the turning point in the story?
    I wasn’t the one who was complaining anymore.
    It sounded like a great classroom to spend time in.
    I looked at the students and gave them a thumbs-up.
    Just six weeks ago I had been the envy of my middle school peers.
    6.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction

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