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  • Q1
    What is the narrator’s primary motivation for continuing to visit Jim?
    He wants Jim to ask him to help with the experiments.
    He thinks spending time with Jim will make him smarter.
    He enjoys watching Jim manage several tasks at once.
    He likes witnessing the moments when Jim is surprised.
    7.6.B: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q2
    Why is Jim’s demonstration with the jawbreaker important to the plot?
    It allows the narrator to experience a moment of understanding.
    It encourages the narrator to develop his own scientific theory about protons.
    It gives the narrator an opportunity to help Jim with one of his projects.
    It shows the narrator that many scientific concepts are not complicated.
    7.6.B: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q3
    Read the dictionary entry below. Which definition most closely matches the way the word digest is used in paragraph 28?
    Question Image
    Definition 4
    Definition 3
    Definition 1
    Definition 2
    7.2.E: Reading - Vocabulary Development
  • Q4
    Read this sentence from paragraph 4. The sensory language in this sentence highlights the narrator’s —
    Question Image
    7.8: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Sensory Language
  • Q5
    What does the simile in paragraph 3 suggest about Jim?
    He is interested in both science and sports.
    He usually makes up experiments as they occur to him.
    He wishes he knew someone who shared his passion.
    He approaches his work with intense focus.
    7.8: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Sensory Language
  • Q6
    The setting is important to the plot because it is where the narrator —
    works with Jim to solve problems
    can study with minimal interruptions
    has interesting discussions with Jim
    realizes he is good at scientific investigation
    7.6.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Fiction
  • Q7
    Which of these is an important idea expressed in the excerpt?
    People must start working toward their goals at a young age to achieve their dreams.
    Some people influence the lives of others by introducing them to new ideas.
    True understanding can take place only through quiet reflection.
    Honesty and openness allow deep friendships to develop.
    7.3.A: Reading - Comprehension of Literary Text - Theme and Genre
  • Q8
    Read the information about the origin of the word replenish. This information helps the reader understand that replenished in paragraph 2 means —
    Question Image
    built up again
    correctly used
    highly valued
    properly managed
    7.2.A: Reading - Vocabulary Development
  • Q9
    The main reason for building the vault in an isolated, underground location was to —
    decrease the amount of power necessary to keep the seeds at a cold temperature
    minimize the number of people that would be necessary to monitor the vault
    prevent outside events from damaging the contents of the vault
    ensure that it would be difficult for people to retrieve seeds they put in the vault
    7.10.A: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q10
    Read these sentences from the selection. The comparison in Fowler’s statement helps the reader understand that —
    Question Image
    seed varieties are lost slowly, but the loss accumulates over time
    many seed varieties have been lost as a result of natural disasters
    scientists think seed varieties could be saved through improved agricultural practices
    few people realize the consequences of losing seed varieties
    7.10.D: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q11
    Based on the selection, the reader can conclude that the seed vault —
    stores rare seeds more securely than common seeds
    provides a unique and vital resource
    is maintained by several different countries
    can be toured by visitors at any time
    7.10.D: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q12
    Read the dictionary entry below. Which definition best fits how critical is used in paragraph 1?
    Question Image
    Definition 4
    Definition 3
    Definition 1
    Definition 2
    7.2.E: Reading - Vocabulary Development
  • Q13
    Paragraph 4 is mostly about —
    the diversity of the contents stored in the Svalbard Seed Vault
    why Norway decided to sponsor the construction of the Svalbard Seed Vault
    how countries decide which seeds to send to the Svalbard Seed Vault
    the process for shipping new seeds to the Svalbard Seed Vault
    7.10.A: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q14
    The problem–solution organization of paragraph 2 helps the author emphasize the —
    severity of the decrease in seed varieties
    reasons some seeds disappear more quickly than others
    best way to prepare for a natural disaster
    difficulties other seed vaults have encountered in the past
    7.10.C: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text
  • Q15
    What is the best summary of the selection?
    The Svalbard Seed Vault is considered the greatest store of crop diversity to date. Efforts to build the seed vault began when scientists noticed that crop variety had decreased significantly in recent years. The vault contains many rare and ancient seeds.
    The Svalbard Seed Vault is located in an isolated region of Norway. The vault was created to protect varieties of seeds from being lost and to preserve them for later use. Many rare seeds have already been sent to the vault and have contributed to the effort to maintain biodiversity.
    On the fourth anniversary of the Svalbard Seed Vault, rare seeds from North America and ancient grains were added to the vault. The vault contains many seeds with special genetic traits that may be useful in the future. Visitors are often awed by the biodiversity secured in the seed vault.
    The seeds in the Svalbard Seed Vault are stored in rows of sealed boxes in a highly secure vault. The vault is made of steel, located inside a mountain, and requires the use of many codes to enter. The cold environment preserves the seeds even if power to the facility is lost.
    7.10.A: Reading - Comprehension of Informational Text - Expository Text

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