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36 questions
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  • Q1

    Which circuit shown will produce light when the switch is closed?

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  • Q2

    Which statement best explains why the sun appears to move across the sky during the day?

    The Earth is rotating on its axis.

    The Earth is revolving around the sun.

    The Earth is closest to the sun in the winter.

    The Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees.

  • Q3

    A student is looking directly at a lit nightlight through two different cardboard tubes as shown.

    Through which tube, if any, will the light be seen and why?

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    Neither tube because both tubes absorb all of the light

    The bent tube only because the light bounces off the sides of the tube and travels through the tube to the student’s eye

    The straight tube only because the light travels in a straight line directly to the student’s eye

    Both tubes because light travels equally well along straight and curved paths

  • Q4

    A student places objects in a bucket of water to determine if they will float.

    Which set of items is less dense than water?

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    Plastic paper clip, penny, and cork

    Toothpick, cork, and vegetable oil

    Metal spoon, vegetable oil, and penny

    Toothpick, metal spoon, and plastic paper clip

  • Q5

    A food chain is shown.

    Which role do the grasses have in the food chain?

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    They prevent the food chain from containing too many carnivores.

    They break down dead organisms into simpler substances.

    They capture the energy from the sun and are food for consumers.

    They decompose small organisms to produce energy.

  • Q6

    A diagram of different sections of land is shown.

    Which action is most likely happening in Section Y in the diagram?

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    Pressure causing layers of sediment to form over time

    Water carrying rocky material to a new location

    Chemicals in water gluing sediments to each other

    Wind and rain compacting rock into larger pieces

  • Q7

    A student uses the setup shown to investigate ways to speed up evaporation.

    Which forms of energy are being compared in the student’s investigation?

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    Light energy and electrical energy

    Light energy and thermal energy

    Mechanical energy and thermal energy

    Mechanical energy and electrical energy

  • Q8

    A gardener plants seeds in the garden. After the flower stage, the fruits and vegetables grow. A table of how many days are needed for some plants to be ready for harvest is shown.

    Which statement is supported by the data shown in the table?

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    Pumpkins take the most time to sprout and to be ready for harvesting.

    Green bean seeds sprout faster because they are smaller than other seeds.

    Cucumbers are ready for harvest in less time than watermelons.

    Watermelon seeds take longer to sprout because watermelon plants produce large fruits.

  • Q9

    Students make a solar system model on the playground. The school building represents the sun. They label round objects for each planet. Which planet should they place at the greatest distance from the school building?





  • Q10

    Students observe a gerbil in a cage. They write their observations as shown.

    Which of these observations is most likely a learned behavior?

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    Twitching its whiskers

    Burrowing in the bedding

    Walking on four legs

    Drinking water from a metal tube

  • Q11

    A student plans to make a chart that describes each process in the water cycle. Which sentence should the student use to describe the process of condensation?

    Water flows downhill.

    Polar ice turns into liquid water.

    Water vapor collects to form droplets.

    Liquid water turns into water vapor.

  • Q12

    Students study barracudas. They gather some observations of barracudas. A barracuda is shown.

    Which observation describes barracudas interacting with the living elements of their ecosystem?

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    Barracudas are predators of other fish.

    Barracudas live around hard structures such as oil rigs and jetties.

    Barracudas tend to live in warm waters.

    Barracudas can travel quickly using surface ocean currents.

  • Q13

    Examples of objects that use different types of energy to perform their functions are shown.

    Which examples use mechanical energy to perform their functions?

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    Examples 1 and 2 only

    Examples 1, 3, and 4

    Examples 1, 2, and 4

    Examples 3 and 4 only

  • Q14

    A picture of a rock is shown.

    Which process most likely caused the crack in the rock?

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    Glaciers scraping over the surface of the rock

    Water moving and dropping the rock

    Water freezing and thawing in the rock

    Wind blowing particles against the rock

  • Q15

    The foot of a hawk and the foot of a chicken are shown.

    The difference between the shapes of their feet is most likely associated with the —

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    predators that hunt them

    way they get their food

    climate in which they live

    distance they can fly


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