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Stage 38 Polla Story Translation Practice

Quiz by Catherine Sturgill - Dacula High School

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17 questions
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  • Q1
    Polla, the daughter of Clemens, complains about her fortune; her mother Flavia tries to console her.
    Polla, filia Clementis, fortunam suam queritur; mater Flavia eam consolari conatur.
  • Q2
    How cruel my father is, who orders me to marry Sparsus!
    quam crudelis est pater meus, qui me Sparso nubere iussit!
  • Q3
    What shall I do, mother?
    quid faciam, mater?
  • Q4
    Surely you do not think that I will ever marry this old man?
    num putas me illi seni umpquam nupturam esse?
  • Q5
    You know that I love a certain other.
    scis me alium quendam amare.
  • Q6
    Oh darling, do not cry!
    o deliciae, noli lacrimare!
  • Q7
    Life is tough; it is necessary to obey those who rule us.
    dura est vita; necesse est parere eis qui nos regunt.
  • Q8
    However, I believe that Sparsus will be kind and gracious enough to you.
    credo tamen Sparsum satis gratum et benignum tibi futurum esse.
  • Q9
    Why do you deceive me in this way?
    cur me ita decipis?
  • Q10
    You know that he is an old man of the least charm.
    scis eum esse senem minimae venustatis.
  • Q11
    You also know that he has already divorced two wives.
    scis etiam eum duas uxores iam repudiavisse.
  • Q12
    But you, mother, are too influenced by the opinion of the emperor; you care nothing about me, nothing about Helvidius whom I love.
    at tu, mater, sententia Imperatoris nimis moveris; nihil de me curas, nihil de Helvidio quem amo.
  • Q13
    Surely you are not so audacious that you indulge this love?
    num tam audax es ut isti amori indulgeas?
  • Q14
    For this man Helvidius is hateful to our family.
    iste enim Helvidius genti nostrae est odio.
  • Q15
    Surely you do not forget that his grandfather, when Emperor Vespasian was greatly offended by his words, was killed in exile.
    num oblita es avum eius, cum Vespasianus Imperator verbis eius graviter offensus esset, in exilio occisum esse?

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