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Standards 2.3 and 2.4 Quiz

Quiz by Mallory Strelecky

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    How will the presence of power plants burning fossil fuels MOST likely affect the water cycle?
    Emissions will decrease the amount of precipitation. 
    Runoff containing emissions will cause very large algal blooms in ponds.
    Sulfur and nitrogen emissions will dissolve in rainwater to form acid rain.
    Emissions will cause the pH of surface waters to increase.
  • Q2
    Look at the diagram to answer the question that follows. If a northern coastline such as the Norway coast is located near a warm ocean current
    Question Image
    the climate will be warmer than normal for that latitude.
    spring is shorter than normal for that latitude.
    the climate will be colder than normal for that latitude.
    spring is longer than normal for that latitude.
  • Q3
    St. Augustine Florida and San Antonio Texas are located near the same latitude. However average winter temperatures in St. Augustine are higher than in San Antonio. Which MOST influences the milder temperatures of St. Augustine Florida?
    Question Image
    increased cloud cover
    nearness to ocean currents
    reduced solar radiation
    distance north of the equator
  • Q4
    Which human activity directly affects the quality of freshwater resources?
    throwing trash out of car windows
    depleting the ozone layer
    allowing runoff from agricultural fields
    burning gasoline in car engines
  • Q5
    The Gulf Stream current travels from the equator toward Europe. If the Gulf Stream stopped flowing which environmental change would MOST likely occur?
    Question Image
    Land masses in the Northern Atlantic Ocean would have colder climates.
    Water temperatures in the Northern Atlantic Ocean would be much hotter.
    More reefs would develop in the waters near the eastern Greenland coastline.
    Most of Europe would be flooded because of rising sea levels.
  • Q6
    What will most likely happen if a warm ocean current travels north or south from the equator?
    The current will become warmer causing it to become less dense and sink.
    The current will become cooler causing it to become less dense and rise.
    The current will become warmer causing it to become more dense and rise.
    The current will become cooler causing it to become more dense and sink.
  • Q7
    The diagram illustrates an airflow pattern that occurs near the equator. Rising moist air causes the frequent occurrence of which weather condition at Location X?
    Question Image
    low evaporation rate
    high surface pressure
    cool and dry
    cloudy and rainy
  • Q8
    Clay is watching the weather to prepare for a trip to the beach tomorrow. The forecast predicts that a low-pressure system will move in overnight. Which type of weather can Clay MOST likely expect in the morning?
    clear and colder
    cloudy and rainy
  • Q9
    A world map with lines of latitude and longitude is shown. At which location would a tropical air mass MOST likely form?
    Question Image
    40° N 70° W
    20° N 120° W
    60° S 30° E
    80° S 10° E
  • Q10
    Air quality alerts are public health warnings about dangerous air quality. The alerts are color coded as shown in the table. In the summer meteorologists often issue an air quality alert if the forecast calls for calm winds/high humidity/and warm temperatures. On these days the sky becomes hazier and visibility decreases as the day progresses. The number of particles in the air determines the air quality which determines the color of the alert. Which circumstances would MOST likely have the greatest number of days with alerts of yellow or worse?
    Question Image
    larger cities where commuters rely on mass transit systems
    smaller agricultural communities with very little traffic
    smaller towns with few large industries or commuters
    larger cities where commuters rely on personal cars

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