Stepping Stones KGT2 - Theme 6 - Woorden C & D
Quiz by Jesper Leijgraaff
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15 questions
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- Q1There was an avalanche and the skier got buried under the snow. (avalanche)avalantskiënlawinesnowboarden30s
- Q2A $note was enclosed in the envelope with the birthday card. (enclosed)geslotenverjaardagskaartuitgenomenbijgesloten30s
- Q3We hope you have a very nice birthday. (hope)hopenkopenverjaardaghaast30s
- Q4My brother likes playing loud heave metal music. (loud)herriefoutloutluidruchtig30s
- Q5Excuse me, is there a bus stop near here? (near)vlak bijnaastbovenopver weg30s
- Q6Have you seen any good films recently? (recently)binnenkortrecentenenvlakbijonlangs30s
- Q7I sent her a tekst, but I haven't got a reply from her yet. (reply)regenantwoordrepluiherinnering30s
- Q8I've sent him a friend request on Facebook. (request)uitnodigingweigerenrecentverzoek30s
- Q9These sweets are really sour, but the children seem to like them. (seem)lijkenzemenzeemlopen30s
- Q10There are black clouds in the sky. I think it's going to rain. (sky)regenskiënwolkenlucht30s
- Q11The state of Alaska is the biggest of the 50 states of America. (state)staterenstaatstatiestatiegeld30s
- Q12It is not true that the Great Wall of China is visible from the moon. (visible)zichtbaaronzichtbaarreisbestemminggoed te zien30s
- Q13The Olympic Park is in Stratford, which is in the east part of London. (east)westelijknoordelijkzuidelijkoostelijk30s
- Q14You can do a lot of sightseeing in London. (sightseeing)zichtzienbezienswaardighedenbezoekengezien30s
- Q15My dream travel destination is Australia. (destination)reisbestemmingreizenbestemmingwaarheen30s