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Strawbz & Concentration

Quiz by Urooj Ahmed

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    Why is soap added to the strawberries before adding the rubbing alcohol?
    Soap helps to dissolve the cell membranes
    Soap and strawberries smell good
    Soap helps to clean the DNA from impurities
    soap releases the DNA strands by breaking up protein chains that hold nucleic acids together.
  • Q2
    Each cell has _______ copies of the genome giving the a lot of DNA per cell
  • Q3
    What factor did Janeeta & Urooj not change for the second experiment?
    Foam collected on top of liquid
    Amount of rubbing alcohol
    Time to let mixture sit
    Age of strawberries
  • Q4
    What concentrations did Janeeta and Urooj conduct their second experiments with?
    70% & 50%
    35% and 90%
    90% & 45%
    70% & 35%
  • Q5
    Why is rubbing alcohol added to the solution?
    Rubbing alcohol settles to the bottom, causing the DNA to rise to the top
    Rubbing alcohol smells bad so the DNA tries to escape
    Rubbing alcohol causes the DNA to precipitate.
    Rubbing alcohol is stronger than DNA
  • Q6
    What factor did Janeeta & Urooj not change for the second experiment?
    Time to let mixture sit
    Age of strawberries
    Amount of rubbing alcohol
    Foam collected on top of liquid

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