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Study Habits

Quiz by Stephanie Chandel

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    How do top students approach their study schedule according to the transcript?
    Ignoring fitness and relationships
    Having a system for both work and play
    Studying non-stop
    Having no set schedule
  • Q2
    What is 'energy-based studying' according to the transcript?
    Forcing study tasks regardless of energy levels
    Aligning study tasks with energy levels
    Only studying in the morning
    Studying randomly throughout the day
  • Q3
    How do top students deal with comparison and competition according to the transcript?
    Ignoring others completely
    Having tunnel vision and focusing on personal goals
    Constantly comparing themselves to others
    Copying others' strategies
  • Q4
    What is the benefit of understanding both details and big pictures in studying?
    Focusing only on memorization
    Making studying more complicated
    Connecting ideas and seeing the overall concept
    Ignoring the small details
  • Q5
    Why is consistent practice important in studying?
    Saves time
    Improves retention and understanding
    Makes studying less effective
    Increases stress levels
  • Q6
    How can top students manage their energy levels for studying effectively?
    Studying randomly throughout the day
    Aligning high-impact tasks with peak energy levels
    Studying only in the morning
    Ignoring energy levels

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