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StudyJams! Matter - Properties of Matter

Quiz by Sally Pickett

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    1. What is density?
    the amount of space that an object takes up
    anything that is a solid, liquid, or gas
    the measure of how light or heavy something is for its size
    the amount of matter contained in an object
  • Q2
    2. What is matter?
    the measure of how heavy or light something is for its size
    the force of gravity on an object’s mass
    the amount of space an object takes up
    anything with mass and volume
  • Q3
    3. What is mass?
    the amount of matter contained in an object
    anything that is a solid, liquid, or gas
    the amount of space that an object takes up
    the measure of how light or heavy something is for its size
  • Q4
    4. What units do we use to measure mass?
  • Q5
    5. What is weight?
    the measure of how light or heavy something is for its size
    the amount of matter contained in an object
    the amount of space that an object takes up
    the force of gravity on an objects mass
  • Q6
    6. What is volume?
    the amount of space an object takes up
    the measure of how light or heavy something is for its size
    anything that is a solid, liquid, or gas
    the amount of matter contained in an object
  • Q7
    7. How would you measure the volume of an oddly-shaped object, like a ball?
    by placing the cup in water and measuring how high the water rises
    by placing it in a room without any gravity
    by breaking the cup into tiny pieces and placing those pieces in a beaker
    by placing it on a scale

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