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Quiz by dosumu adesola

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11 questions
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  • Q1
    Which sentence has correct subject-verb agreement?
    He goes to the store after school.
    She play soccer with her friends.
    The sun shines brightly in the sky.
    The cat purrs softly on the couch.
  • Q2
    Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?
    The birds chirp happily in the morning.
    She play soccer with her friends.
    He go to the store after school.
    The dog barks loudly at the cat.
  • Q3
    Pick the sentence that does not have subject-verb agreement:
    They play soccer after school.
    She reads books in the library.
    The flowers grows in the garden.
    He sings beautifully on stage.
  • Q4
    Which sentence has a subject-verb agreement error?
    He play soccer with his friends.
    She run fast every day.
    They goes to the beach on weekends.
    The dogs bark loudly in the park.
  • Q5
    Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement:
    He run quickly during the race.
    The birds fly high in the sky.
    They play outside after school.
    She sings beautifully in the choir.
  • Q6
    Identify the sentence with a subject-verb agreement error:
    They goes to the movies on Fridays.
    The cat sleeps on the cozy bed.
    He eat his dinner every night.
    She write stories in her notebook.
  • Q7
    Which sentence shows correct subject-verb agreement?
    He write a letter to his friend.
    They plays basketball after school.
    The teacher reads a story to the class.
    She dances beautifully on stage.
  • Q8
    Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
    The dog barks loudly when the mailman arrives.
    The dogs barks loudly when the mailman arrives.
    The dog barks loudly when the mailmen arrive.
    The dog bark loudly when the mailman arrives.
  • Q9
    Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
    She dances graceful in ballet class.
    She dance gracefully in ballet class.
    She dances gracefully in ballet class.
    They dances gracefully in ballet class.
  • Q10
    Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
    The dogs barks loudly every morning.
    The dog barks loudly every morning.
    The dogs bark loudly every morning.
    The dog bark loudly every morning.
  • Q11
    Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
    She sings beautifully.
    She sing beautifully.
    She singing beautifully.
    They sings beautifully.

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