Summer School Handbook 2023
Quiz by Rosalie Espinosa
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- Q1
More than ______ day of absence during the summer session will result in zero credit for the course.
60s - Q2
Student arrives to class after the bell sounds and is less than 5 minutes is a _____________.
tardy excused.
tardy unexcused.
60s - Q3
6 excused tardies is equal to _____________.
2 absences.
1 absent
60s - Q4
Student who arrive to class more than 5 minutes but less than 30 minutes late is ____________.
tardy that is unexcused.
tardy that is excused.
60s - Q5
3 unexcused tardies to class equals ________________.
2 absences
1 absent
60s - Q6
LAST DAY OF SUMMER SCHOOL: Any student missing the last day of summer school (and final exam) will receive a zero for the final and not receive credit for the class.
I do not know.
60s - Q7
ARRIVING AT SCHOOL LATE: If a student arrives on campus late (after the 7:45 a.m bell) he/she should report to the main office to sign in and receive a late pass to class.
30s - Q8
LEAVING SCHOOL DURING THE DAY: ALl students must leave school during the day, must sign out in the main office. He/She must have a note from the parent/guardian stating the date, time and reason for early dismissal.
60s - Q9
Failure to comply with the summer school guidelines will result in automatic dismissal from the program.
30s - Q10
Determine the level of violation based on your handbook.
*The student who has been removed by the teacher from the classroom is _________>
LEVEL I Violation
LEVEL II Violation
60s - Q11
Determine the level of violation based on your handbook.
*Cell phone use in classroom is a _________.
LEVEL I Violation
LEVEL II Violation
60s - Q12
Determine the level of violation based on your handbook.
*Possession/Distribution/Selling/Consumption of Alcohol, Drugs. Drug Paraphernalia/Fake Drugs is a _________.
LEVEL I Violation
LEVEL II Violation
60s - Q13
Determine the level of violation based on your handbook.
*Possession of Weapons/Look-a-Like Weapons is a _______.
LEVEL I Violation
LEVEL II Violation