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Quiz by Stacey Ward

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23 questions
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  • Q1
    What does it mean to be sustainable?
    Ignoring pollution
    Using resources in a way that does not harm the environment
    Using as many resources as possible
    Only caring about money
  • Q2
    What is one way to help our planet stay clean and healthy?
    Throwing trash on the ground
    Recycling paper and plastic
    Leaving the water running while brushing teeth
    Using more plastic bags
  • Q3
    Which of these is a renewable resource?
    Natural gas
    Solar energy
  • Q4
    What is a benefit of planting more trees?
    Trees take up space and are noisy
    Trees provide oxygen and clean the air
    Trees make it hard to see the sky
    Trees attract dangerous animals
  • Q5
    What can you do to save water at home?
    Leave the tap running all the time
    Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
    Water the plants in the middle of the day
    Take longer showers
  • Q6
    What is composting?
    Turning food scraps into nutrient-rich soil
    Burning trash to get rid of it
    Buying ready-made soil from the store
    Putting food scraps in the garbage
  • Q7
    Why is it important to reduce plastic use?
    Plastic makes our water taste better
    Plastic is cheaper than other materials
    Plastic cannot be recycled
    To decrease pollution and protect wildlife
  • Q8
    What is one way to use less energy at home?
    Leaving all the lights on
    Keeping the fridge door open
    Turning off lights when you leave a room
    Using old energy-inefficient bulbs
  • Q9
    What is an example of a sustainable practice at school?
    Throwing away all paper
    Using only disposable utensils
    Buying new plastic bottles every day
    Using reusable water bottles
  • Q10
    What can you do with old clothes you no longer wear?
    Use them to make a mess
    Donate them to people in need
    Throw them in the trash
    Burn them in a fire
  • Q11
    What is recycling?
    Burning old paper
    Throwing everything in the trash
    Putting plastic in the ocean
    Turning old materials into new things
  • Q12
    What is a renewable energy source?
    Gas from a furnace
    Coal from the ground
    Oil from the sea
    Solar power from the sun
  • Q13
    What is a benefit of planting trees?
    They block the sun
    They take up space
    They attract more bugs
    They clean the air we breathe
  • Q14
    What can you do to save electricity at home?
    Turn off lights when you leave a room
    Charge devices all night
    Keep the refrigerator door open
    Use more electronic devices
  • Q15
    What does it mean to reduce waste?
    Always using plastic for everything
    Throwing everything away
    Buying more toys
    Using less stuff so there is less trash

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