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T. D. SAT ADV 0720

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    renounce (v.)
    to criticize, belittle / 비하하다, 깔보다
    to eliminate, remove / 근절하다
    to formally give up / 포기하다
    to cause a feeling of great surprise or wonder in (someone) / 깜짝 놀라게 하다
  • Q2
    shun (v.)
    to give or apply; to give out; to get rid of / ~을 분출하다; ~을 내보내다, ~을 없애다
    to avoid / 회피하다
    in a period of time between events / 임시의
    to spread or promote widely / 전파하다
  • Q3
    tranquil (adj.)
    quiet and peaceful / 평온한
    chosen at will (usually without any real standards) / (내키는대로) 정해지거나 선택된
    friendly, cheerful / 상냥한
    not satisfied / 불만스러운, 못마땅해하는
  • Q4
    unanimous (adj.)
    agreed to by everyone / 합의의, 만장일치의
    gullible, easily fooled / 잘 믿는
    characterized by or requiring sitting; involving little physical activity / 정적인
    allowing for a final, deciding result; conclusive / 결정적인, 결론을 내는
  • Q5
    vulgar (adj.)
    not having or showing good manners, good taste; or politeness / 거친, 조악한
    lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time / 무기한의
    very important / 중추적인
    curious or inquiring / 호기심 많은
  • Q6
    worship (n.)
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    distribution according to a plan / 할당, 분배
    sounds made through speech / 발언, 말
    excessive admiration for someone / 숭배하다
  • Q7
    fertilize (v.)
    to extend across or cover a period of time; a range or extent / 걸치다
    to prevent from happening; make impossible / 막다
    to make (an egg, plants, land) able to grow and develop / 비옥하게 하다
    to get, gather, or put together as one whole / ~을 수집하다, (따로 있던 것들을) 하나로 합치다
  • Q8
    hospitable (adj.)
    pleasant or acceptable to the taste; agreeable or satisfactory / 맛있는
    generous and friendly to guests or visitors / 친절한
    unclear / 애매한
    competent in many areas; useful in many situations or aspects / 다재다능한; 여러 곳에 적용 혹은 활용 가능한
  • Q9
    orthodox (adj.)
    clear, not ambiguous / 명쾌한, 명백한, 분명한
    accepted as true or correct by most people / 1. 정통의 2. 주류의
    okay to throw away; not absolutely necessary / 버려도 괜찮은; 불필요한
    (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth;?not refined or processed / 세련되지 않은, 정교하지 않은
  • Q10
    stall (v.)
    to hold off, divert; or delay / 지연시키다
    to destroy or kill a large proportion of something / 대량으로 파괴하다
    to wear; to show / ~을 보이다, 드러내고 있다
    to spread, distribute / 보급하다
  • Q11
    upheaval (n.)
    major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, anger / 격변
    an unfortunate, difficult; or precarious situation / 곤경
    a complete failure, disaster / 대실패, 비극
    a sudden realization / 깨달음
  • Q12
    wholesome (adj.)
    good for your health; or morally good / 유익한
    massive, solid, uniform, or unyielding in character / 거대한, 단일체의
    arousing anger or strong emotion / 염려를 불러일으키는
    very bad or unpleasant / very unhappy, ill / 비참한
  • Q13
    assent (v.)
    to lower tension or aggression of a situation / ~을 진정시키다
    to worsen, decline / 악화되다
    to grow, flourish / 번성하다
    to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after carefully thinking about it / 동의하다
  • Q14
    captivate (v.)
    to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of (to put down) / ~을 깔보다, ~을 조롱하며 낮추다
    to recommend or order the use of a particular treatment, medication, or course of action / 처방하다
    to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, / 매료시키다
    to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry / 조사하다
  • Q15
    cognizant (adj.)
    causing fear or apprehension, difficult to overcome / 굳세다
    often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way / 고압적인
    aware of something / 인지하는
    causing confusion or surprise / 혼란스러운

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