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T. D. SAT ADV 0801

Quiz by 정연우

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    contract (v.)
    decrease in size, number, or range / 줄어들다
    to prove that (something) is not true / 반박하다
    to satisfy (a need, desire, etc.) fully / 실컷 만족시키다
    to reference or quote / ~를 인용하다
  • Q2
    sublime (adj.)
    accepted as true or correct by most people / 1. 정통의 2. 주류의
    of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe / 숭고한
    of vital importance; crucial / 필수적인
    mysterious, puzzling / 수수께끼 같은
  • Q3
    trivial (adj.)
    involving logical inferences / 논리적으로 추론적인
    eating or drinking too much / 탐욕스러운
    enabling a person to learn or discover something for themselves / 경험적인
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
  • Q4
    avid (adj.)
    not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily / 말이 없는
    very eager; desiring enthusiastically / 열렬한; 갈망하는, 탐내는
    showing a favorable opinion / 이해를 통해 긍정적으로 생각하는
    conspicuously and offensively loud; with no attempt to conceal / 노골적인
  • Q5
    waning (adj.)
    forbidden by law, rules, or custom / 불법의
    arrogantly superior, disdainful / 거만한, 오만한
    gradually decreasing / 서서히 줄어드는, 작아지는, 약해지는
    planned or performed in cooperation / 합동의
  • Q6
    defect (n.)
    a strong pull / 잡아당김
    curse / 악담, 저주
    a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit / 거장, 명인
    a failing, flaw / 결함
  • Q7
    recourse (n.)
    a source of help or support / 의지
    willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas) / (새로운 생각에 대한) 수용성, 개방성
    a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will / 원한
    information that makes more convincing; strengthening of approved behavior or belief / 보강
  • Q8
    selective (adj.)
    standing straight; having good morals / 올바른, 정직한
    resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering / 확고한
    careful in choosing or deciding / 선택적인
    conflicted (between two feelings) / 상반된 감정이 공존하는
  • Q9
    excess (n.)
    anger due to injustice / 불공정에 대한 분노, 분개
    lack of harmony or peace / 불화, 불일치
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    quantity more than needed (too much) / 넘치는 것
  • Q10
    bizarre (adj.)
    very strange or unusual / 기이한
    present as the strongest or main element / 우세한
    capable of being shaped or influenced / 성형 가능한
    showing a lack of respect / 불손한
  • Q11
    obsolescence (n.)
    a tendency to provoke dissension or discord / 분열시키는 성향
    an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government / 영역
    an indirect reference to something or someone / 암시
    state of being outdated or no longer in use / 구식화
  • Q12
    qualification (n.)
    a statement that limits or restricts some claim / 조건
    a person who has just started learning or doing something / 초보자
    the customs, values, and behaviors characteristic of a particular group or society / 관습, 풍습
    things that are provided (usually, "things" like articles mentioned in a contract or law) / 제공된 것; 법이나 계약서에 명시된 부분
  • Q13
    palatable (adj.)
    pleasant or acceptable to the taste; agreeable or satisfactory / 맛있는
    not based on valid reasoning or facts / 부적절한
    sudden and unexpected / 갑작스러운
    gradually decreasing / 서서히 줄어드는, 작아지는, 약해지는
  • Q14
    advent (n.)
    the state of being unconscious or unaware; the state of not knowing what is going on around you / 망각
    the arrival or beginning of something important or notable / 도래
    a group of people forming a part of a larger group / 단체
    a signal or indication to do or begin something / 신호
  • Q15
    specious (adj.)
    the scientific study of how people's, animals', plants' bodies  function / 생리학의
    capable of being attributed or assigned to / ~에 기인하는
    misleading in appearance, deceptive / 허울만 있는
    contrary to what intuition would suggest / 직관과 반대되는

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