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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    underestimate (v.)
    to eat grass from the ground / (자연에서, 땅에 있는) 풀을 뜯어 먹다
    to place into enforced isolation, usually for medical reasons / ~을 격리시키다
    to estimate something as being lower, smaller, or of less value / ~을 과소평가하다, ~을 경시하다
    to attach firmly / ~을 고정시키다
  • Q2
    oblivious (adj.)
    uninterested / 무관심한
    on purpose / 고의
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
    considerable (size or amount) / 상당한
  • Q3
    debris (n.)
    a job or position / 직책
    a failing or deficiency / 결점, 단점, 흠
    remains of something brokenn up or destroyed / 잔해
    up and down changes; variability / (수치, 강도 등의) 변동
  • Q4
    consensus (n.)
    the state or situation at the given time (without a change) / 현재 상황
    an antiquity that has survived from the distant past; something of sentimental value / 유물; 감정적인 가치가 있는 물품
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    balance or interplay between opposing elements; feeling of suspense in midst of potential conflict or problem / 긴장된 상태 (상반된 것들의 대립, 혹은 어떤 불안이나 우려로 인한)
  • Q5
    distinguished (adj.)
    tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument / 설득력있는, 끌리는
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    appealing to the masses; of or employed by the masses / 대중의, 대중적인
    evident without proof or argument / 자명한
  • Q6
    placid (adj.)
    standing straight; having good morals / 올바른, 정직한
    calm, peaceful / 조용한, 차분한, 침착한
    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence / 눈치 빠른, 교활한
    not in use; having on one inside; not seized or controlled / 사용 중이지 않은; 아무도 안들어가 있는; 무엇에게 점령 혹은 정복된 상태가 아닌
  • Q7
    mimic (v.)
    to put into practice/action / ~을 이행하다, ~을 실행하다, ~을 수행하다
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to support from collapsing (structure, belief) / ~을 유지하다, 지탱하다
    to imitate the actions of someone / ~을 따라 하다
  • Q8
    indifference (n.)
    lack of concern; no preference to one or the other / 무관심; 선호도가 없는
    a clear appearance or expression / 현시, 출현, 나타남
    confirmation that some fact or statement is true / 확증, 뒷받침
    the extreme ends of something (in a body, your fingers, toes, or other ends) / 극단; 손가락, 발가락 처럼 몸 중심에서 먼 부위
  • Q9
    disregard (n.)
    lack of care and attention / 무시
    something that causes an important event to happen; (chemistry) a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction / 촉매, 촉매제
    the act of dismantling or getting rid of a law or system (usually refers to slavery) / 폐지, 폐기
    attitude and action / 태도/행동
  • Q10
    trivial (adj.)
    (sometimes followed by `to') meeting the requirements especially of a task; about average; acceptable; enough to meet a purpose / 충분한
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude / 숙련된
    worn away so that threads show / 닳아빠진, 초라한, 너덜너덜한
  • Q11
    cease (v.)
    to reference or quote / ~를 인용하다
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
    to stop / ~을 중단하다
    to become involved; to begin interacting with / ~을 하다; ~와 무언가를 시작하다
  • Q12
    unease (n.)
    steadiness of mind under stress / 침착, 평정
    feeling of discomfort / 걱정, 불안
    a strategic, deliberate, goal-oriented action / 계략, (전략적인) 행동이나 움직임
    cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind / 인지/감각 능력
  • Q13
    whimsy (n.)
    something fancicul, odd, unpredictable (fun/imaginative) / 신비롭거나 신기한 것
    critical appraisal or evaluation / ~을 분석하다, ~을 검토하다
    a fact (usually insignificant and small) / 잡동사니 정보
    the act of dismantling or getting rid of a law or system (usually refers to slavery) / 폐지, 폐기
  • Q14
    intricacy (n.)
    the ability to detect or recognize a difference / ~에 민감함, ~에 대해 세심함
    style of cooking associated with region/culture / 특정 지역/문화의 요리 스타일
    a will to succeed; something one hopes to do / 성공하고자하는 소망; 이루고 싶은 것
    having elaborately complex detail / 복잡함, 얽히고 설킴
  • Q15
    question (v.)
    combine to form a more complex product / ~를 합성하다
    to challenge the accuracy or validity of / ~을 의심하다, ~에 이의를 제기하다
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    to insert between other elements / ~에 불쑥 끼어들다 혹은 끼우다

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