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Quiz by Salwa Fadila

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    (A) Other librarians. (B) Undergraduate students. (C) Students who are not in the business department. (D) Graduate business students.
    Who is Ms. Martin talking to?
    What are the library's hours during final exam week?
    What two areas will be tour concentrate on?
    What are the students probably going to do next?
  • Q2
    (A) It opens at 7:00 A.M. (B) It closes at 7:00 P.M. (C) It closes at midnight. (D) It is always open.
    What are the students probably going to do next?
    Who is Ms. Martin talking to?
    When was the day known as Black Friday?
    What are the library's hours during final exam week?
  • Q3
    (A) Computer area and business materials. (B) Magazines and newspapers. (C) Business department and library staff offices. (D) First and second floors of the library.
    When are the students probably going back from the tour?
    Who is Ms. Martin talking to?
    What two areas will be the tour concentrate on?
    What are the students probably going to do next?
  • Q4
    (A) Go home. (B) Return to class. (C) Work on the computers. (D) Tour the library.
    When are the students probably going back from the tour?
    What are the students probably going to do next?
    Who is Ms. Martin talking to?
    What two areas will be the tour concentrate on?

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