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Tax and Tip

Quiz by Michele Bowers

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Tamara buys a table for $125. What is her total cost after a tax of 5% is added?
  • Q2
    At the end of their meal, the Klansek family wants to leave a 20% tip for their waitress. If the meal was $45.85, what tip will they leave?
  • Q3
    A 6% sales tax is added to the cost of an item. The TOTAL cost with TAX is $174.90. What was the cost BEFORE tax? Hint: The cost BEFORE is 100%.
  • Q4
    A 5% sales tax is added to the cost of an item. The TOTAL cost with TAX is $9.45. What was the cost BEFORE tax? Hint: The cost BEFORE is 100%.
  • Q5
    Mark leaves a $4.50 tip for a meal that costs $22.50. What percent tip did he leave?

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